Let's Hear It for Dinner Mon. Nov 26 2018

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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Oh geeze.... We had lunch/dinner out again.. :wacko:

Mainly because its Free Pie Monday at a diner we enjoy. :ermm:

We took our pie slices home.. ;)



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Leftovers of Carnita's Tamale Pie from last night, along with simple plate salads.

We picked up an Almond Kringle from TJ's on our trip to town today so we'll have some of that later while watching some of the TV shows we missed while being gone.

It's nice to have a backlog of favorite shows to last over the dry spot of the holiday dry spell yet to come.
I sort of cooked supper tonight. DH was going to cook the rice, but it went completely wrong because of some miscommunication, so no rice. I made something we call "bachelor surprise". I took frozen stir fry vegis, added some frozen corn and defrosted them. I fried them up with some oil and some ground pork and onions, that had been fried previously and seasoned with tamari, fish sauce, and sesame seeds. DH had some sort of hot sauce with his, but since I'm not eating any nightshades at the moment, I couldn't add hot sauce. I was going to pick out the red peppers in the stir fry mix, but didn't get any on my plate. It was pretty good.
We were a little bit southern tonight, with the creamiest mac and cheese I have ever made, along with green beans and ham. We have two small French White casseroles full of leftover mac and cheese, one for the freezer (which won't be as good as if it weren't frozen, but c'est la vie!) and one for later in the week.
Made a meatloaf using the recipe from my last batch of meatballs. Served with cheesy polenta and a red sauce with mushrooms.

Marinated some chicken tenders in Pineapple juice and ginger. Planned on grilling until the 35 MPH winds kept blowing out the grill. Pan sauted them, really didn't work out. :(
Rigatoni with meatballs and hot sausage, homemade garlic bread (I could have just eaten the bread. Yummy!) and green bean and onion salad.
Here, too..with some left over ham..

Ooooh, Rock.....Jambalaya! I've been MIA the past few days (just busy) and catching up on the dinner threads. Everyone's meals look and sound wonderful, but this is something that really caught my eye and taste buds. Never made it before, but this will be on the menu soon. Any hints as far as your recipe, Rock? :yum:

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