Meatloaf, more chunky?

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Sous Chef
Dec 4, 2007
Austin, TX.
My Dear Spose told me yesterday, " I like my Meatlofe More Chunkey"

now I have been makinig my Mother's meatloaf for like 30 yrs.

It's basically, from the pkg. of Libbys onion soup mix.

1 lb hamburger
1 cp of canned bread crumbs.
1/4 cp water
1/4 cp catsup
1/2 cup onion
1/2 cup bell pepper
1 egg

top with a layer of Catsup

mix, and bake at 350f for 45 min.

Now, suddenly, Dear Spouse says, " I want it more Chunkey!"

What should I do to save my marriage here!

Youse French Bread? Soaked in Milk?

Spouse says more Chuncky meat?

Like Stew Meat?

Help Eric, Austin Tx.
Did he say how chunky he wants it. I have a few more years on you in the marriage department but if my man suddenly complained of my meatloaf not being chunky enough, he would get chunky. I would use stew meat to make the chunks and then ask if it's chunky enough.
However, you might ask your butcher to grind the hamburger coarser to make bigger meat chunks if you have kinder thoughts than I.
Add some grated carrot
add some toasted walnut halves
Add some diced tomatoes, drained
I have seen dill pickles inside a meat loaf and boiled eggs all along the middle.

I wonder if your spouse saw a pic of a terrine and thought it was meatloaf. Well, it is. You could use long strips of pork loin or tenderloin or ham or whatever. This pic has veal and pistachios.


  • Veal_and_pistachio_terrine_.jpg
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So, I'm thinking Meatball Loaf. I always do meatloaf with at least two meats, so there's room to make one or two of them into meatballs. Maybe sausage balls in the meatloaf.
I have no spouse.

But if I did and they complained about the way food was prepared I'd kindly inform them that they are more then welcome to fix there meals any way there heart desired.

Maybe that's why I don't have a spouse. :rolleyes:
I'd ask him to elaborate. Chunky how?

I like CLG's idea of meatballs. It's what I had been thinking.
It's likely although not for sure, Erik's spouse is a her. Just ask your spouse what she/he means Erik...that's easy.
You asked "What should I do to save my marriage here!"
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Fine. Ask Spouse to make the meatloaf, and/or to elaborate. To quote Oldvine, "My kitchen, my rules." He/she knows where the cereal is.
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Did he say how chunky he wants it. I have a few more years on you in the marriage department but if my man suddenly complained of my meatloaf not being chunky enough, he would get chunky. I would use stew meat to make the chunks and then ask if it's chunky enough.
However, you might ask your butcher to grind the hamburger coarser to make bigger meat chunks if you have kinder thoughts than I.

I'm thinking I'd use Alpo. They make a chunky one.
Or hand him a can of Spam. I guess one big chunk is still chunky. Or cube up some flank steak and cook it medium in the microwave. The chunks will be memorable.
You guys are all nasty. His spouse just expressed a preference. You should all try to be a little more accommodating.
We were accommodating. Stew meat, Spam, microwaved flank steak, Alpo, along with the other suggestions, it doesn't get much chunkier than that!
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Rofl! Alpo!! Dawg you slay me!

Perhaps Eric's spouse meant not such a firm meatloaf. IMHO using breadcrumbs produces a fine textured firm loaf. I use old fashioned oats (not quick) as the extender in my meatloaf which results in a "chunkier" texture. This meatloaf is moist and the slices may crumble slightly. I'm thinking this could be what "spouse" is
looking for.
I have seen people use a sleeve of saltine crackers in their meat loaf and swear by it.
I have never tried it and I use bread crumbs.

I must admit I use Progresso Italian style bread crumbs. Seems I never have day old Italian (crusty) bread laying around....
My mother used it, so I do too.

Now, should I happen to have some day old crusty bread, by all means I would make my own bread crumbs.
But that has never happened.

Question? If I have fresh crusty bread, should I slice and crisp it up in the oven first or just use it as is? To make bread crumbs.
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