My Son Was Stung

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Chief Eating Officer
Jul 14, 2004
Last night we went over to my parents house for dinner. My 86 year old uncle and his friend drove up from Long Island to Judge a Flower show (uncle is some sort of world renown rose expert) and it just happened to be in between my parents and my house. He has not yet met my son in person so we were excited to go over and see him.

It was a beautiful night so we were eating out on my parents deck. My son was loving it because there is a bench that circles the entire deck and it is closed underneath with chicken wire so little bodies can't slip through. He was able cruise around (his favorite current activity) the entire deck. He was all the way over on the other side with my wife and mom and everything was fine, then all of a sudden my wife's face changes and she starts freaking out. There must have been 10 wasps circling and on my baby's head. She grabbed him and ran as her arms were flailing. She got him out of there real fast, but it was too late. He was stung right on his forehead. The amazing thing is that he cried for about 3 seconds and that was it. No more crying and he was back to his normal self after that. He continued to play and smile and laugh as if nothing happened. I was completely amazed. I was stunk twice last year and reacted more than he did. The site swelled up and got nice and red, but he did not seem to notice.

Let me know if any of you have heard of this before though. My wife was freaking out worrying about what to look for to see if he has an allergic reaction. I told her what we should look for and as I was telling her my mom chimed in that it is not the first stink that will cause an allergic reaction if he is going to have on. It is the second sting that will cause it. Now regardless we were certainly going to watch him ultra close to make sure he was OK (which he was), but I do not believe the info my mother was dishing out. Has anyone else ever heard that and do you think there is any validity to it?
I've always heard that it's not the first time you get into poison ivy that causes you to break out - it's the second time. I don't think I agree with that either.

Here is some reading - Basically it says the more you get stung the more likely you "become" allergic to the sting.

That must have been quite scary GB - I'm glad your wife and the little guy are ok. He's a trooper and a tough little guy! I got stung by a wasp and whimpered for hours! :blush:
I know if a person has a particular allergy, each subsequent sting is more dangerous.
Most people aren't allergic, though, so I would worry about it.
I had a reaction the first time I was stung and each time after that.

You'll check with his Dr. I assume. That's the final authority.
Aaaawwww, sorry to hear about the sting. My son got stung for the first time last month too - he cried longer than a few seconds too. We gave him benadryl but I don't think we needed to, he was fine. I never heard of a reaction the "second" time around - interesting.
a single sting can cause anaphalactic (sp) shock nevermind 2.

a quick Field treatment is to administer some Zantac (Ranitidine) or the likes, as a cox 2 inhibitor, it lessens the effects of any bad reaction and can save lives if given quickly.
When a loved one is involved, it hurts us more than it does them. I am hoping this is the case. Never have I heard of this happening where someone doesn't get some kind of reaction. I certainly would ask his doctor for sure just to ease my mind. Just sounds like he was well protected to be stung on the forehead! Wasn't there any kind of swelling or redness? When anyone around here got stung and my ex a beekeeper, it distorted their face as if t hey had some kind of mask on. Seemed to be aware of it for several days and gradually swelling went down. I sure can relate to your experience.

Just hoping he continues to resist any kind of pain. May he always be protected.
yeah, over time a child can build up a reaction to the stings that isn't apparent on the first one.........since your son has already ben stung once and if you're concerned I'd recommend keeping bendryl on hand just to be on the safe side........and take it with you to t-ball games, etc.........I always did tho neither one of my kids had allergies........just remembered my sister's reaction and she was in her 30's........
GB, As a child I was always stepping on those darned bees in our backyard, it seems they wanted to see how much I liked playing in the backyard!! I never have developed a reaction to them. I still get stung, no reaction. On the otherhand, my middle child is deathly allergic to any stinging bug. She has to have an epipen with her at all times. Good luck with your boy. Dawn
:) I may be allergic so I carry Epi Pens. It doesn't hurt to keep a couple in the house just have the doctor write a prescription they work for food allergies as well, these are only to be used if your airway swells and you can't breathe etc. They make smaller ones for kids called Jr. Epi Pens. Where I live it's 45 minutes to town and if you end with anaphylactic shock and don't have an Epi you will not make it to town in time. It's a good idea to have at least two pens. Even with the pen if you end up having to use it you still need to go to the emergency room right away because you could have a relapse. Another thing is if you have a Pen you just might be able to save someone elses life Iv'e heard many stories about this. Some people end up with a deadly alergic reation out of nowhere there for not prepared. I actually helped a guy at the high country lodge when he started going into shock and they couldn't find his Pen. It's a site you do not want to see when it happens but being prepared is a must.
In my First Aid class the legalities are you offer the pen to them and let them administrate the adrenaline themselves if they cannot you have to ask them if they want you to do it for them. Taking Benadryl is also recommended along with the pen. Some people have had some success in an emergency with the Primatine Mist inhalers.
I got stung by a bee right in the cleavage area. That hurt like a son of a gun !!
My dad got stung by wasps a few times but he never had an allergic reaction except
for redness around the sting. I do know that shortness of breath can be a sign though.
Glad to see you have a tough little guy there Gb.
do what expat girl suggests, the first time might be okay but he can have a problem the next time so check with his doc and be armed cuz boys being boys there will be a next time..Give him a hug for being such a brave little guy and mommy gets one as well..I think your mom was trying to make the situation better and not so scary..Listen to what the doctor will say and your set and ready..
Poor baby. Sorry to hear GB. Good thing he wasn't in great pain. My daughter got stung once and she hurt quite a bit. I would keep a close lookout if he gets stung the second time around.
Bees will always die after they sting, others still live to sting some more! I feel wasps know this too well and are not afraid to be around humans. I remember our mother was cutting down honeysuckle, don't know what happened but she was stung many times while she cut it down. Being raised on a farm, she seemed to show no fear. Days later she seemed to be worn out but nothing else, not even welts. I just hate wasps since then and t he fact that they won't die from it. Should be some kind of penalty for harming others.
bees die after a sting because the stinger is attached to their internal organs so when thy sting you they are giving up their lives for the betterment of the colony.........wasps couldn't give a ...........and they can sting repeatedly........just love those red wasps and yellow jackets.........what cute names for such wonderful insects............oh, well, i guess it could be worse like a colony of killer bees which I've never run into......

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