Not a great fan of alcoholic drinks...

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Assistant Cook
Jun 13, 2005
Im not a huge fan of alcoholic drinks and was wondering if anyone knew any cocktails that don't have a very high alcohol content but still taste good that one could buy at pubs/nightclubs etc. any ideas?:)
Any drink that is not straight alcohol can be made weaker than usual. The bartender would have no problem doing that.
lol gb. you read my mind. a good tarbender will make your first drink a little stronger than usual (and not mix the alcohol into it so your first sip from the bottom is a doozie), then gradually make your drinks weaker. but if you ask, they will certainly oblige from the outset.

chefrankie, try searching for mixed drinks with flavored schnapps in them. it has lower alcohol content than 80 proof alcohols like vodka or rum.
If you want something completely alcohol free, I like ordering cranberry juice with club soda and a twist of lime (it's pretty good with vodka, too!)
Fran, aren't you quite young still?

You can add sparkling lemon water to most fruit juices over ice for a yummy treat,
or make a smoothie from something like ice cubes, lime juice and strawberries in a blender and then poured over ice.
Here is the scoop on the drinking age in England. My parents always let us kids drink a glass on wine occasionally with dinner.

It is an offence for a licensee, or his employee or agent, in licensed premises to sell alcoholic liquor to a person under 18 or to allow a person under 18 to consume alcohol on the premises; or for any person to knowingly buy or attempt to buy alcohol for consumption by a person under the age of 18. It is also an offence for any person under the age of 18 to buy or attempt to buy alcoholic liquor or to consume alcohol on licensed premises.

There are some specific exceptions. It is not an offence to sell to or buy for a 16 or 17 year old, beer, wine, porter, cider or perry for his/her personal consumption with a table-meal in licensed premises, provided the table-meal is not taken in the bar area but in a part of the premises set apart for the service of meals. Nor is it an offence for the 16 or 17 year old to buy such alcohol for his own consumption or that of another 16 or 17 year old with a table-meal.
When the girls were younger and we went out to eat, they always wanted a fancy drink like mom and dad so we ordered a "virgin" drink. That is, all the fruit juices, umbrellas and cherries but leave out the booze. You have a ton of fruit juice based drinks you can choose from.
I love Bloody Marys. The only problem is that I find them far too tasty and it is very easy to down several of them, hic.

So, at home, often drink either the pre-made bottled mix (without alcohol) or make the tomato concoction myself, and leave out the vodka.

Just ask the bartender for a bloody mary without the booze (often called a 'Virgin Mary', with the virgin indicating, as GB said, an alcohol free drink).

Slightly off topic, if you like BM's, my favorite bottled mix is Big Tom. It is made in the UK (and difficult and expensive to find here) but have found it fairly easy to find in England.

There are also many ways one can gin up a screwdriver (a drink with orange juice) while leaving out the gin, OK, vodka actually, but you get the idea. A bit of lemon lime soda, some grenadine, other fruit juices, the variations are manifold.

And there are all kinds of other drinks that can be made sans ethanol, and most nightclubs or upscale places should be able to accomodate you.

However, if you are talking about your standard local, most I have been in are not prepared to make the fancy drinks.

Also, if you want a weak drink, I do not believe British bartenders can vary the amount of alcohol they pour; they always have those dispensers that dole out a specific amount. The laws there are very firm about about you getting your full measure (which is usually pretty scant when you are talking about hard booze, IMHO, hic again), so I don't know if they can make a 'weak drink' by cutting back on the liquor content.

But you can always add more mix.

Or request your measure in a separate glass and add it to the mix as you wish.

You do not have to drink any more than you wish to. Tell the bartender what you want and see what he/she can do.

Welcome aboard cheffrankie. Hope we hear from you often.
If you are sitting at the bar ask the bartender what he/she can make that is low or non alcoholic. If you're at a table, ask the waitress to ask the bartender. Not every bar will have the ingredients for everything.

Something with schnopps is going to be just a tad bit lower in alcohol than a glass of wine ... schnopps is 15% alcohol and if mixed with something will be diluted ... a glass of wine is 12%.

Any drink "virgin" is all the goodies minus the booze.
jkath said:
Fran, aren't you quite young still?

I'm 17, but turning 18 in november, here in england 18 is the legal age for drinking, however, if you were to go to the nightclubs/pubs you will find a huge percentage of people there were underage. I know some people might be against me drinking but, i think im being way more responsible than most young people my age- i see people who are as young as 15 and 16 who get absolutely drunk when they go up town- some of my firends do that aswell. I don't see anything wrong with me going to town to have a good time with my friends- however it does cause peer pressure to drink, and i think that my way of going about it is great- i still drink, but by drinking something non alcoholic or with a low alcoholic content, none of my friends bother me about not drinking, i still have fun and i dont get drunk.

There will always be people against it but i believe that i am taking responsibility for myself. I'm not going to stop going out with my friends. I believe that i am doing the right thing for me and until all people are completely stopped from going to bars until they are 18, i and my friends will still go. Also, i waited until i felt that i was mature enough to go up town- i went up town for the first time a month ago, where as many of my friends started going when they had just turned 16.
I don't think i am doing anything wrong, in fact i am being much more responsible than many other people of my age.
If anyone can give me a good reason why i should stop doing what i am doing, i'll think about not going anymore, but at the minute, i cannot see any faults in my method.
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I think you have a very mature attitude about it Fran! There is nothing wrong with drinking as long as it is done responsibly and within the law.

I know someone who didn't want to drink, but didn't want people constantly asking him why he was not drinking so at parties he would hold an empty beer can. No one would know it was empty and it looked like he was drinking. No one ever noticed he never put it to his lips.

When my wife was two weeks pregnant we had a family wedding to attend. Some of my cousins were there and when we all get together we like to party hard. Well obviously drinking was out of the question for my wife, but since she was so early on in the pregnancy we were not ready to tell anyone is was going to have a baby. Everyone would have guessed right away if they knew she was not drinking so I went to the bar for her and would get her a tonic water. She just told anyone who asked that it was a gin and tonic. No one ever knew.
cheffrankie said:
jkath said:
Fran, aren't you quite young still?

I don't see anything wrong with me going to town to have a good time with my friends- however it does cause peer pressure to drink, and i think that my way of going about it is great- i still drink, but by drinking something non alcoholic or with a low alcoholic content, none of my friends bother me about not drinking, i still have fun and i dont get drunk.

(Keep in mind, Fran that in November when you turn 18, I'll be turning 39, so here's a bit of advice from an old lady:rolleyes: )

I'm totally in agreement with you about wanting to go out with your friends - that's one of the greatest things to do, no matter what your age! And, by drinking something non-alcoholic, you're being exceptionally responsible (!), while maintaining the fun.
As for peer pressure, I was literally the only kid at one particular high school party that wasn't drinking. (Keep in mind the legal age out here was/is 21) A friend suggested that I hold a beer bottle to "fit in", but that, to me, was showing I was drinking. I didn't, and when people questioned why I wasn't imbibing, I simply told them that I wasn't interested. It was that easy. Your real friends will always like you, no matter what.
FIrstly 39 is not old! :rolleyes:
I see what you are saying- my close friends all know that i don't like alcohol and they also know that i drink a lot of non alcoholic drinks when we are out and they've never judged me on that and they respect me the way i am. If i had the guts to do what you did, and just tell evryone tht i dnt like it, i would, but i dont. I am already a very outspoken person- i stick up for what i believe in- but i only do that in things that i really believe strongly in. Unfortunately, the school i go to is a school that bases everything on popularity. I am already not liked by quite a few people for different reasons mainly because i'm so outspoken. At the minute i like the way people percieve me and dont really care bout what the select few people who really hate me think. But just like a rising soufle, any tremour could make it collapse (<:mrgreen: )and at the moment i'm at a point where im at a very fine line where my reputaton could be easily ruined by something as silly as wether i drink or not, and i don't really want my 'souffle to collapse' as it were. I'd rather pretend that i did drink than be open about it- as long as i'm true to myself and my firends, then i don't mind havig to do this. I'm sure you know yourself that being a teenager is a very complicated thing! :wacko: :)
Oh, I'd never go back to my teenage years! I was horribly dorky. Well, actually, I guess I'm still that way, only I embrace my dorkiness:mrgreen:

Frankie, I love that you're outspoken! You will have such a good time on this board!

And your souffle comment was wonderful.
Delicious Drink

Try ordering a 'Slow, comfortable screw up against a wall'. Not only is it exquisite in flavor, but it is fun to order.

The first time I ever went to the bar (across the border), knowing very little about mixed drinks, I asked the bartender to make something for me; she gave me that drink with a wink. It was good times.
Malibou Rum and Pineapple juice is awfully good...just tell the bartender you are a lightweight, and he'll adjust the amount of liquor accordingly. You'd probably like the Tequila Sunrise, also, which is orange juice with tequila and a shot of grenadine.

I like schnapps...especially Hot ****, which tastes like redhots. I drink it by the shot, but it's also very good over ice with sprite or 7-up.
Then there's the Fuzzy Navel, which is peach schnapps and orange juice...tasty.
Another good one is the Tan Safari, which is Amaretto with a shot of Bailey's Irish Cream. You could sip on that all night.


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