Nutmeg Shelf Life

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Assistant Cook
Feb 16, 2006
What's the shelf life of fresh nutmeg? I've been keeping mine in a dark, cool cupboard w/other spices but maybe it would last longer in the freezer??? I only use nutmeg, maybe, twice a month.
Hi, Sassy. By fresh nutmeg, do you mean a whole seed, or ground nutmeg? A whole seed will last indefinitely and you can grate it as needed. I keep ground spices in a cool, dark cupboard and replace them once a year.
You don't even need to replace them. Those nuts will keep indefinitely, and that is much longer than a year.

Once you've started grating it, I probably wouldn't keep that one longer than a year, but I use them up faster than that.

Try adding a couple of grates to your next cooked spinach to add a little pizzaz! :chef:
If already ground then yes it will last longer in the freeze than anywhere else. I never buy pre-ground though. Buy the whole nut and grate it as needed.
I've been wondering about how long the whole nuts lasted. I have some I've had for several years, stored in a large baby food jar in my spice cabinet. When I grate it, it's still quite fragrant and flavorful.
Is the same true of cinnamon sticks and whole cloves? I have a lot of those in airtight glass jars.
You don't even need to replace them. Those nuts will keep indefinitely, and that is much longer than a year.

FINALLY someone says that the length of time I keep a spice is okay!

'Course, that's the length of time I keep ALL my hundred spices. :rolleyes: Including the nutmegs I've started to grate.

I know, I know, I KNOW, okay? ;)


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