Old Venting Thread

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Aw, shucks, GW. C'mon over the hot tub, take a load off, and relax for awhile.

Our office recently relocated to a new building, and our IT and phone people had to work like dogs.

You have my sympathies, and a big hug too.
Darn, I copied my complite Food (recipe) file to my home PC recently, but now I can't find it. It's not a big deal on the long run I haave it on my work PC, but I need to look up some recipes right now. Darn I'm mad. :mad:
OK, here's my vent, it's not real big but it bugs the heck out of me. Hubby is working today so I took the kids to his parents since his brother's family came from out of town & the kids don't get to see each other but 2 or 3 times a year. I was told that we would be eating at 2:00 & that was great since I had to be at our church by 3:00 to help decorate for Christmas. I told my MIL this on Wednesday when I found out & she assured me that everything would be ready to eat by 2. Well, we sat down to eat at 2:45 when I needed to be leaving, therefore when I got to the church everything was just about done. My MIL kept insisting that if I had've let her know before this morning that I had to leave early that she would have everything done.:ohmy: As politely as possible I reminded her that I had called her Wed. & told her. Her answer to that..."Well I'm sorry that I interfered with your other plans. You should learn not to over book yourself." :mad: It just ticked me off to no end!! I didn't have to go to thier house for lunch, I did it out of kindness because we don't see them that often & I know how much the kids enjoy seeing everyone. I did have a resposibility to our church because I'm on the committe that's over decorating & meals.

Thanks for letting me vent, I feel much better now!!
Crewsk, some folks just cannot see anything other than their own way. Nor can they admit to any fault on their part. Come on, how hard would it be to say, "Oh my gosh, you did tell me! I'm sorry! I forgot!" Then everyone feels better. Sheesh! There are so many adults in this world who need to grow up and take responsibility for their actions and words.

Hmmm...I guess that would be my vent now wouldn't it? LOL. It makes me mental when folks refuse to see things anyway but their own. Or when you tell them something that bothers you they tell you its all YOUR fault. Sigh.
The trouble with in laws crewsk, is that too often one ends up gritting one's teeth and fuming. My guess is the people on your church committee probably understood. But I can see that it is galling, your signiture says it all, you are a nice person and to feel pulled toward two different commitments is hard.

My vent is that I have lost a cat carrier. i have FINALLY booked the final leaving date for Italy (longest relocate ever, its been almost 6 months since DH and I lived together) and I am packing my car in advance because I know sometime over the next couple of weeks I will remmeber something I forgot to pack. I have to take the cats in seperate carriers, and I just can't find one of them. Its too big to get lost but I cannot see it anywhere. I am glad I started looking early, but I have to have it to work out how much I can fit in the car.....I am hoping I can get a big coolbox in for some things people in Italy have asked me to take over.
Lulu, it must have been one of your moggies who hid it good... you know how they love being cooped up in a cage and travel in the car... let alone in a aeroplane!! You must reason with them that if they don't want to be left behind!!:cool:

Well last Sunday I stepped on an object which is like a huge thumbtack, which came loose from the bottom of one of our kitchen chair legs and lethally remained laying on the floor, I had to hobble around for a few days. Then as soon as it was pretty much healed the boiling oil splashed on my wrist while I was going to sautè some potatoes for saag aloo. I am still wearing a wristband to protect the raw spot still looking bright pink. I am now being very careful just to breathe, I could do without a "third time lucky"....:wacko:
Crewsk, you're a nice person. I'm not. So my thinking is that she did it deliberately to undermine you. Next time, make sure you've told everyone else - or at least a couple of key people - your arrangements too. There are discreet ways of doing that, but for sure it'll be the last time she tries the same trick.
Alix said:
Hmmm...I guess that would be my vent now wouldn't it? LOL. It makes me mental when folks refuse to see things anyway but their own. Or when you tell them something that bothers you they tell you its all YOUR fault. Sigh.

but, but, what if you're wrong, alix? :cool: (running away......)

my vent today is as i was working on cleaning up the yard, a coupla kids pulled up and tried to steal my neighbors car. right in front of me, in the middle of the day.

did they think i was gonna stand by and watch them?

dw and a few neighbors called the cops as i chased them around the neighborhood; thru back yards, over fences and shrubs. man am i getting old and slow and fat.

the little f**kers got away, but because i chased them they had to leave behind a car that they'd stolen earlier this morning. the police got a lot of prints, so i hope they are in the system. i told the cops i'll be happy to id them.

now dw is mad at me becasue she thinks if they are ganged up, they'll retalliate against us for ruining their fun. also, she thinks i was crazy for chasing them because i could have been shot.

i guess she's right, but it was just instinct to go after them.
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of course she's mad, but deep down she is darn proud of you..When people love you it's possible to be mad and proud at the same time..So saying that...:mad: :angry: :bangin: and:wub:
Bucky, you are brave and I agree with Kadesma, I bet your wife is as proud of you as she is angry.
Wow Bucky!!!! I know how your wife feels because I have felt the same way. It was a great thing to do but sometimes you fear for your family. It is good the police are involved.
Thanks y'all! I shouldn't have been suprised at my MIL's actions or words, she's always trying to get under my skin. It just blows my mind sometimes I guess. Plus, I'm getting tred of being pulled in a million diffrent directions, but I always seem to be able to get it all done some how. I told hubby about the incident when he got home from work & he gave me a big hug & kiss & told me how proud he was of me for the way I handled things & didn't go balistic on his mom. He knows all to well the "stunts" she pulls because she's done the same kind of stuff to he & his brothers.

Bucky, that was a very brave thing you did! I agree with kadesma too. The fear for your safety was first in your wife's mind but deep down she's proud of you too.
This is a sort-of vent, sort-of, I just need to say (type) this -

Things are not looking good for Theodore, my cat, who is over 18 years old. At his annual check up in April the vet said he needed to have his teeth cleaned but before he would sedate him he wanted to do some tests to make sure he would survive the sedation - which totalled a couple hundred dollars. He suspected he would not pass these tests. We opted for antibiotic treatment instead.

At Halloween I noticed an odor from his mouth so I took him back to the vet. The vet said that his canine was infected and it had to come out, but we had to have the tests done first. We arranged for the tests to be done (EKG and several blood tests) and, to no surprise to anyone, he failed - his heart is not beating correctly and his liver is bad, surprisingly enough, his kidneys are good. The vet said he had to get Theodore well before we could sedate him to pull the tooth. The vet put him on antibiotics, a heart medicine, a liver supplement and intravenous fluids (yes, we had two bags of fluid we had to inject into his neck every day for two weeks). I asked if he were in pain and he said only from the tooth ache. I asked about pain meds and he said it would kill him. I asked him if we didn't give him the meds if his heart would just stop beating and he said that his liver would go first and that my cat was not sick enough to euthanize. I left there with a huge bill, a big bag of drugs and feeling horrible.

For the past two weeks Theodore has shown signs of weekness and lathargy. Yesterday morning he could hardly walk, dragging his back legs and meowing very loud. He lays in one spot all day long, he cannot jump anymore, either. I had Theodore's records sent to a new vet and brought my cat to her yesterday. She saw my cat yesterday and said that she did not think it was an infected tooth - the tooth is solid and there is no puss, she suspects mouth cancer. However, to find out for sure will cost more money and at his age there is really nothing we can do. She also suspects maybe he has a thyroid condition, but again, it is expensive to test for and because of his age, there really isn't anything we could do (or should do, I guess). She did give us pain medication for the leg condition and it seems to be working - except for the fact that all he does is lay in one spot and not move. The other problem, which is huge, is that the pain medication cost about $250 a month. Tough decisions to make - I wish God would take my cat in a peaceful way so no decisions have to be made. I have said good bye to him several times over the past month, yet breath a sigh of relief when we take him home - and it still does not get any easier the next time I think he won't be returning. He is such a good boy. He has been with me through my first marriage, birth of my daughter, a divorce, six moves, another marriage and the birth of my son. Thanks for listening (reading).
Ahhh Michele,
I know just how you're feeling. I'm dealing with my little doxie Maggie who is rapidly declining..She can't see well, can't hear well, so thin you see her back bone, and yet every step I take she is right behind me. I feel so badly for her and I know, I'm going to have to do something very soon, but,I keep putting it off..She isn't in pain but she is so very fragile now.Even the little ones, walk by and pat her, Ethan runs to tell her goodbye or hellow everytime he is here and Cade, will stop playing and go sit by her to pet her..What the heck can I do. Hang in there MM,love your kitty, he will let you know when it's time..Till then, I'd ask around about those meds, that sounds just a little expensive to me..Do you have a pharmacist that you know well? Or if you want to PM me I'll ask DH just how expensive the med is..I don't mind spending for my pets, but I do object to being taken advantage of because I love my animals.
Just let me know it's name and dose amount and how many times per day.

Kadesma, thank you for your support and help. I am going to PM you the meds and dosage. DH scoured the internet but said he couldn't find anything. I was going to call our pharmacist on MOnday, we wanted to make sure it made a difference for him and it seems to be, but all he does is lay there now.
he is most likely dopy from the med. It looks like an opiate and that does cause drowziness.

Alix said:
Crewsk, some folks just cannot see anything other than their own way. Nor can they admit to any fault on their part. Come on, how hard would it be to say, "Oh my gosh, you did tell me! I'm sorry! I forgot!" Then everyone feels better. Sheesh! There are so many adults in this world who need to grow up and take responsibility for their actions and words.

Hmmm...I guess that would be my vent now wouldn't it? LOL. It makes me mental when folks refuse to see things anyway but their own. Or when you tell them something that bothers you they tell you its all YOUR fault. Sigh.

You hit the nail right on the head. And Crewsk, I agree that your MIL was way out of line. I understand completely as I have had similar experiences. But I won't go into detail.

Some people just need to learn that the world does not revolve around them.

Seeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
Michelemarie and kadesma, its so heartbreaking at this point in a pets life. My heartfelt hugs going out to you both. Michele, PM me when you get on line about meds. I have a suggestion for you.
Many people don't understand the connection between a pet and its owner. I have had multiple dogs, and currently have a dog and a cat, both obtained by accident. And yet, though they contribute little in material value to the home, and in fact, do there best to increase the required upkeep, it's that loyalty from the dog, and the cat, always hoping for a bit of love, for someone to pay attention to them, or play with them. She asks so little and rewards with a genuine excitement whenever we return from anywhere. She has some very bad habits (tries to escape every time the door is open and then run the neighborhood, making harmless mischief), like making way to much noise, and expecting a treat whenever she's let out back to take care of business (DW's fault, don't ask). She's a pest in the kitchen, and acts just like a terrible-two year old child. And like that exasperating human toddler, you just grow to love her.

She's getting older now, and has a lump or two that we're worried about. But I don't have the income to take her for expensive tests. So we spoil her a bit and make sure she get's attention and love. When it's time for her to go, she will be taken to the vet.

My parents had beagles, and when they were too old, or sick to enjoy life, they were taken to the woods to do what they loved best, on the last hunt.

That may sound cruel to you and I, but the animals never felt anything, and it was just the way things were handled back in those days. I don't fault either my dad or step-father for doing things that way.

But I digress. Michelemarie and kadesma; just as with our human loved ones, we care for our pets. But our society doesn't have the same respect for animal life as it does for human life. And to some degree, that's as it should be. And there are so many who would take advantage of someone's greif to make profit for themselves.

I empathize with both of you. I know what it feels like to lose a loved animal. It feels just as painful as it does to lose anyone you love. I have felt that pain. My logical side says; "hey dummy, he was just a dog."; while my emotional side caused me to cry like a baby when the dog was taken from me, and this while I was a toughened young man who just didn't cry.

Just remember to put the animal's need for eternal rest before your need to hold on to him while he suffers. I don't know or pretend to know what death brings to animals. But I know they have an intelligence, a spirit, and Heavenly father has a plan for them as well.

Seeeeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
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