Olive Salad

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
This is a recipe I got from my sister. I make it often and I am always asked for the recipe. People love it and it's a snap to make.

Serve it with wedges of pita.

Olive Salad
20 Oz Green salad olives w/ pimento (2 jars)
1 medium onion
1 C Chopped Parsley (200 ml)
1 Clove Garlic
1 Tb Lemon juice (15 ml)
2-3 Tb Tomato Paste (40 ml)

Rinse the olives under running water and drain.

Place all the ingredients except the olives in a food processor and blend to a fine texture.

Add the drained olives and pulse until the olives are in small pieces but not pureed.

The best flavor results from making this the day before serving.
Sounds good Andy! I wonder how it would be with the blue cheese stuffed olives.......just a thought. I'm going to try this on the weekend. I love green olives!

that recipe sounds really good. i think i'm gonna try making it using different kinds of olives. black olives are my favorite.

and i'll bet it would make a great dip or cracker spread

thanks for the receipe. :cool:
This sounds really different and tasty. I plan on trying it this weekend. Thanks Andy.

I bet if you wanted some oil you could do like they do with hummas and pour a little olive oil over the top before serving.
Made some tonight... tasty!
Looking forward to trying it tomorrow after it has married a bit more.
Great with hummus.
Thinking of using it on some fish or chicken, haven't decided how yet....
I finally got around to making this. It is very good. For me, the onion is a little too strong. Next time I might cut that by a third or even half. I could see adding tomatoes into this too. I would add them with the olives to leave then a little chunky. I think oil would be an excellent addition to. It certainlt does not need it, but it would be very good with it.

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