Our Christmas Trees 2012

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Usually we have quite an elaborate tree but this year looks like we may not have a tree at all and that's okay. I've hung wreaths outside and other outdoor decorations are in place, as are quite a few lovelies inside, especially in the living room and dining room.

I'm still not able to get around at 100% mobility and we don't have any obligation to have any huge "event" at our house for Christmas this year, so low-key looks like the plan of the day.

Our weather certainly hasn't cooperated in any sort of wintry fashion, which would aid in making things seem more like Christmas. Although I suppose it could change and fool us all.

I am toying with dragging out a tree I used to put up in my old dining room. It is all done in red-white-and-blue and all the ornaments/decorations are of a patriotic nature. It's not large but not too small either, which would be quite appropriate to sit on a table near the front windows in the living room.

I'm not concerned because there's still plenty of time as we never put our tree up until the week of Christmas and, who knows, maybe I'll be more mobile by then and we'll do something even bigger and more elaborate.

To be continued.....
The long awaited photos from my fake six foot Christmas tree are up. I will share some more on Tuesday as I need to re shoot a few with my Olympus Pen E-PL1 digital camera.

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P1010120small | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

The ornament says "Maturity is Overrated"

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P1010114small | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Kleenis, that tree would delight any child on the face of this earth. I have always said, Christmas and trees are for the kids. Not adults. Each photo had me looking really close at all the sweet ornaments. :angel:
Addie said:
Kleenis, that tree would delight any child on the face of this earth. I have always said, Christmas and trees are for the kids. Not adults. Each photo had me looking really close at all the sweet ornaments. :angel:

What about the adults that are still kids at heart?
Steve and I don't have kids, but we always have a Christmas tree up and decorations, it makes you feel good...I love everything about Christmas, it is the best and love seeing bright sparkly decorations and the lovely flashing lights on the tree :)



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That's a beautiful tree Somebunny :) Love the simple colours, I don't like trees that look like they were made at the crayon factory :LOL:

Thanks Snip! DH always whines, he likes colored lights and all different colored ornaments, so we compromise, he puts as many colored lights as he wants up outside. Lol! Don't get me wrong....I like the multi-colored old fashioned trees of my youth, with all the hand made ornaments (don't like tinsel though) but this is what I want for now! "To each their own" I enjoy seeing what makes everyone else happy!
So people without kids shouldn't have Christmas trees or celebrate Christmas? Why?
I think it is a matter of choice. We used to celebrate Christmas (until 2003). The baking, the decorating, having friends in, etc. I even have 8 place settings of Spode's Christmas Tree china and lots of the serving pieces. It just got to be too much. And, taking all the decorations down, hauling the tree out, I just do very low key now. A couple of decorations, I change a couple of the paintings for Christmas ones, and I'm done. Christmas Eve is movie night and finger food. No fuss, no bother. no stress, no fighting crowds at the mall. No one says you have to do all that. But if you like doing it, even if you don't have kids, you can still do it and have fun. I have a 4-ft stocking...
That's one beautiful and HUGE tree Bunny! It must take forever to decorate, but it's truly spectacular! As you can see, I enjoy all clear lights too. It used to drive me crazy to have two lights of the same color next to each other. Just color me OCD.
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So people without kids shouldn't have Christmas trees or celebrate Christmas? Why?

No. I just love to watch kids, specially the small ones, reaction when the see the tree lit up for the first time and are just old enough to be entranced with wonderment. Four year olds get so excited at everything Christmas! You really have to wear them out on the 24th to get them to sleep at night. You could tell them a hundred times there is no Santa and they will never believe you.

I had my kids believing in Santa for a loong time. I always told them "No, we can't afford that toy. You will have to see what Santa brings, or wait for your birthday." After all, if I couldn't afford it then for just one child, I certainly couldn't afford all those toys at Christmas! Like the Christmas they all got bikes. The tree just doesn't give the joy to adults that it gives to children. We see all the work that goes into putting it up. And then we dread taking it down and putting everything away again. :angel:
Thanks Snip! DH always whines, he likes colored lights and all different colored ornaments, so we compromise, he puts as many colored lights as he wants up outside. Lol! Don't get me wrong....I like the multi-colored old fashioned trees of my youth, with all the hand made ornaments (don't like tinsel though) but this is what I want for now! "To each their own" I enjoy seeing what makes everyone else happy!

I don't like tinsel either. We don't have any and I refuse to buy it. Makes the tree look tacky. My ornaments are all different shades of purple and silver with different textures and my lights are plain. Luckily no one complains. Everyone likes our tree. The Brightly coloured gifts add enough colour anyway.
Taking my ornaments and a small tree to my mom this year. She doesn't have a tree and the kids won't be happy if there's no tree on Christmas eve.
I don't mind very colourful trees, just not in my house!
That's one beautiful and HUGE tree Bunny! It must take forever to decorate, but it's truly spectacular! As you can see, I enjoy all clear lights too. It used to drive me crazy to have two lights of the same color next to each other. Just color me OCD.

Thank you Kayelle, your tree is lovely too. Yes, it does take a long time to decorate mostly because I have to go up and down the ladder continuously and I don't enjoy heights. But, it's worth it to me.

Thank you Kylie, I think it is "magical" too and that also makes it worth while. :)
My daughter's living room is all black and white. Her tree is white with black and white ornaments. And some very unusual ones. LIke she has a whole collection of little black heels and boots. I don't know where she found them. The whole room looks like a scene from a 1930's movie. Her kitchen is red and white. Even her light switches are red along with her blinds. She has more decorating courage than I would have. :angel:
My daughter's living room is all black and white. Her tree is white with black and white ornaments. And some very unusual ones. LIke she has a whole collection of little black heels and boots. I don't know where she found them. The whole room looks like a scene from a 1930's movie. Her kitchen is red and white. Even her light switches are red along with her blinds. She has more decorating courage than I would have. :angel:

That sounds amazing, wish I could see it :)

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