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Thank you all for your comments on sweet Bailey. Addie....yes...come spring there will be major shedding...she's going to need one of those Furminator thingies to get to the undercoat, for sure. Especially since we live in a desert area. :ohmy:

mmyap....Sophie and Pearl are beauties! :wub:
Thank you Dawgluver, Pacanis, and Taxlady. :) Dawg, I read your story and I'll be sure to tell Victoria to keep her bras out of Bailey's reach. :LOL:

Taxlady, no, she's not albino, she just has those ice blue eyes common to Huskies. Albinos lack pigment, so she wouldn't have those dark eyeliner eyes...her eyes would be pink and her nose wouldn't be so dark. :)
She definitely looks like a husky. I just never saw a white one before.
A couple pics of Kimber from today.
Hanging out on the deck while I was grilling the brats.

And back inside with one of her favorite toys. Her other favorite toy is my German Shepherd's tail :ohmy:
A couple pics of Kimber from today.
Hanging out on the deck while I was grilling the brats.

And back inside with one of her favorite toys. Her other favorite toy is my German Shepherd's tail :ohmy:

Awww, what a cutie! I think a neighbor in the next subdivision has a dog of the same breed, his coat looks just like Kimber's, but he weighs a lot more. Like 100 lbs. He happens to be one of the few big male dogs that Beagle will tolerate and she actually likes him.
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Kimber is adorable. Savor these puppy days. They pass all to quickly. What breed is Kimber?
Well, I have Horse. He's about 21 years old, chestnut with no white markings and 16.2 hands high (that's big if you don't know horses). He's Irish Draught, a breed which was developed as an all-rounder - to pull the plough in the week, take the farmer hunting on Saturday and the Family to church in the trap on Sunday. They are intelligent and noted for their sensible, kind temperament and they are generally very talented jumpers. Along with Thoroughbred and Connemara blood they help to make up the modern Irish Sports Horse (which used to be called the Irish Hunter when fox hunting was more acceptable than it is now).

He used to work on a riding school where I used to hack out. I was the first paying client to hack him out on the road when he was 4+1/2 and we met a fire engine in full cry with its siren blaring. I thought my time had come but he just looked at it and made a mental note and carried on as if nothing unusual had happened. That was when I decided that if he ever came up for sale I would buy him. Mind you, he's terrified of tape measures!

I bought him when he was 9 and introduced him to side saddle which he took to like a duck to water. He doesn't like showing but neither do I so that's OK. He can't jump in the confines of the show jumping ring (the vet thinks he's fractured his pelvis at a very young age - he came from Ireland at 3 yrs old and they hunt them in Ireland at two years old!) but on a cross country course or out with the drag hounds you should see him go! Bev, who used to hunt him side saddle, said that as long as she left him alone to get on with it they would get over any fence. Bev's partner was a former Master of Hounds with the drag pack. He hunted on Horse once and said he was one of the best hunters he'd ever ridden. Proud mummy glowed!

Horse and I were just "happy hackers" but I can't ride anymore as I have a problem with my hip and can't get on but he has several friends who borrow him. One is an ex-mounted policewoman and she's teaching her other half (a 6 foot policeman) to ride on Horse, and another is 4years old and is led round the farm trail by his mother on foot. Horse takes that job very seriously and is so careful not to put a foot wrong.

My avatar is a not very good picture of him hunting. My other photos of him are on the PC at home. Will try and post them at a later date.
What the latest Rufferee Wears

Notice the penalty flag in the pocket. Teddy is ready for the football season. Go Pats! :angel:


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MC, thank you for posting about Horse. I'd love to see the pix you have of him. That's sad that you can't ride him anymore, but at least he is still your friend.
I take it his name is Horse. I have a soft spot in me for draught horses. I have yet to come across one that didn't have a gentle nature. They are so eager to please. Definitely pics please. :angel:
Pac, Kimber is a beauty. I'm sorry I missed the pics earlier. She appears to be a great addition to the family. She'll fit right in with Pierce and Petra.

I miss having a dog.

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