Out there Observations

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Chief Longwind Of The North

Aug 26, 2004
'Tis a dark day and I'm in one of my strange moods. So, I open this thread for any, and everyone who occasionally feels like they are living in "The Twilight Zone". It's a thread where you can place your dangerous, or at least odd observations. Please be careful not to offend. This is supposed to be mildly dark, and humorous.

Parasite definition: 1. An organism that feeds from a host organism, getting its nutrition from that host organism, often, but not always, in detriment to the host organism, in other words, a baby in the womb.
2. An organization that takes from ones personal resources to increase the3 worth of the organization, often, but not always at the expense of its human resources, in other words, the job.

Application: You can now use the phrase against unruly youngsters who demand material objects that just aren't in the budget, or, are not needed, whether in the budget or not: "You were supposed to stop being a parasite when you were born.

I'm happy to say that I have none of those. But I know people who do. And I may have been one of those in my distant past.:LOL:

Seeeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
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Interesting thread, Chief.

I learned that if you go hiking in the jungle in Mexico, you may encounter a tree locally known as che chen (black poisonwood). Its sap can cause 3rd degree burns, much worse than poison ivy, and causes great pain that lasts for weeks. The best remedy is to immediately rub on the inside of the bark of the gumbo limbo tree, which always grows nearby.

I don't plan to go hiking there soon, at least, not without a guide.

The wood from the che chen is beautiful, similar to rosewood, and is used in furniture and decorative items.
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Children are parasitic before birth and for the early years of life, and should become increasingly symbiotic and their life progresses, and in some cases the relationship may reverse in the late life of the parents where they become dependent (parasitic) upon their children.

But it is a dark way of looking at life. I'm proud that I became independent (and non-parasitic) from my parents in my early 20s. I was lucky that I never had to face the issue of supporting my parents, since both died before they ran out of self sufficiency.
Children are parasitic before birth and for the early years of life, and should become increasingly symbiotic and their life progresses, and in some cases the relationship may reverse in the late life of the parents where they become dependent (parasitic) upon their children.

But it is a dark way of looking at life. I'm proud that I became independent (and non-parasitic) from my parents in my early 20s. I was lucky that I never had to face the issue of supporting my parents, since both died before they ran out of self sufficiency.

My observation was supposed to be taken a little tongue-in-cheek, like the "On the Darkside" cartoons. I should have used emoticons. Is there an emoticon somewhere for tongue-in-cheek?

But yes, you are correct in your own observations.

Seeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
If they make corn oil from corn, sunflower oil from sunflowers, cod liver oil from cod fish,....how do they make baby oil? Hmm...

Iv'e seen that one here on DC before. But it's worth repeating.:LOL:

It feels great to get a itch scratched. Come on, you know it's true. So I recommend to all of you, go out with as much exposed skin as is appropriate, (not a lot of that for me), let the mosquitoes suck up your blood, and feel great as you scratch the bites.:ROFLMAO:

Bear Hunter - definition: A bear who enjoys the sport of hunting people. Beware. His/her camouflage is extremely effective.:ohmy:

Charlie Tuna to George the Great White Shark; "Hey George, what kind of bait did you use to catch all those people yesterday?"
"Well Charlie, they like these round, yellow coins. I just chum the waters with em and they can't resist. Here, let me give you a handful. I've got plenty.":ermm:

Seeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
A = B and B = C. Therefore A = C

A surgeon is a profession and a garbage man is a profession. Therefore a surgeon is a garbage man. Or a garbage man is a surgeon. :angel:
You can't make a 1/2 sandwich.

You can make a sandwich out of a single slice of bread but it's still a whole sandwich. It may be smaller than a sandwich made from two slices of bread but you still made a whole sandwich.

Is the man in the moon really a man? Maybe the creature is female, and bald. Didna ever think of that? Well, didja?:w00t2: And what if it's a hermaphrodite?:ohmy:

Seeeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
I gotta friend who claims he can see Jimi Hendrix in the full moon.
I can't see it.
'Course he took advantage of several forms of "reality enhancements" when he was younger.
If you had a phobia of an animal and were reincarnated as that animal but retained your phobia, would you fear yourself, or just others of your kind?

You would become schizophrenic, often defined as a "splitting off" or fragmentation of personality. Part of your personality would fear others of your kind, part of you would become fearful of yourself and that part might lead to further psychiatric disorders based upon the irreconcilable contradiction that you are what you fear and you fear what you are.

Please note that (a) this is a fantasy answer since that could never happen in our modern mainstream world view, (b) I actually did minor in psychology at UCLA, (c) minoring in something at a university gives you absolutely no credence or credentials in that field, and (d) I like to run with an answer as long as the post is fun! :)

Along the same lines, if there were unicorns, would there be a unicorn psychiatric disorder where unicorns envy bicorns? :)
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You would become schizophrenic, often defined as a "splitting off" or fragmentation of personality. Part of your personality would fear others of your kind, part of you would become fearful of yourself and that part might lead to further psychiatric disorders based upon the irreconcilable contradiction that you are what you fear and you fear what you are.

Please note that (a) this is a fantasy answer since that could never happen in our modern mainstream world view, (b) I actually did minor in psychology at UCLA, (c) minoring in something at a university gives you absolutely no credence or credentials in that field, and (d) I like to run with an answer as long as the post is fun! :)

Along the same lines, if there were unicorns, would there be a unicorn psychiatric disorder where unicorns envy bicorns? :)

Hehe, I like you. :D And yes, I imagine there would be. I think there would also be a certain form of sociopathy (is that even a real word?) where unicorns feel superior to bicorns.
In the world of associations, men are often assossiated with beef, while women are associated with cats. Could it be that men are bullheaded, and women never pay you attention, unless they want something?:LOL:

Seeeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
I have noticed that when you walk in the front door of a church, you find yourself standing in the back of the church. The same thing happens with auditoriums.
In the world of associations, men are often assossiated with beef, while women are associated with cats. Could it be that men are bullheaded, and women never pay you attention, unless they want something?:LOL:

Seeeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
“Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.”

Robert A. Heinlein
A few ponderings from a male perspective...

If it only happens to women, then why is it called MENopause?

And it seems to me that maybe it should really be called PERIOD (rather than applying that term to the monthly cycle), since it comes at the end of a long sentence. Or maybe it should be called parole. :LOL:

On the flip side, why do men get HERnias?

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