Petty Vents

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Good luck on your move, Odette! When you get online, type fast! :ROFLMAO:

Message to all drivers on the freeway; Run for your lives! Here comes Odette! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

I just came to have a quick cuppa, can't sleep!!!!
You have no idea how badly I want to say some PG13 words right now, don't joke I'm absolutely terrified! Just hoping there won't be an article in Saturdays newspaper about the little messed up Volvo wrapped around a sign post :(
The kids are not driving with me thank goodness, think the 4 hour drive might take twice as long :ROFLMAO:
I pull off the road when I see trucks!!!! Well my friend I still have 24 hours before I leave so rest assured I'll check in before I go. Have a great day further :)
Here goes nothing, round 2 of tossing and turning here we come!
Thank you all for the kind words :) I'll miss you all dearly and I still have 1 more day before I go so I should be able to check in from time to time tomorrow.
Best I go and attempt to sleep a bit so I can be functional when I finish the packing!
Snip 13 said:
Thank you all for the kind words :) I'll miss you all dearly and I still have 1 more day before I go so I should be able to check in from time to time tomorrow.
Best I go and attempt to sleep a bit so I can be functional when I finish the packing!

I will miss you so much my new sister. BT is going to have to pick up some serious sibling slack. I hope your move goes well and that you all end up safely in your new location. And of course, I hope you get the internet back soon! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Take care and good luck with your move! Check in when you can and let us know you made it safely. (Wow, and I've only been a mom for 2 years...:)) Hope to hear from you soon!
OK, so I went to the USPS website to print a postage and mailing label to return a product in a small padded envelope that it came in. I have done this many times before. Weight was 8.3 ounces. The USPS website had to download a new program to my computer, fine. However, now the only options are either send stuff in their Priority Mail boxes and envelopes, or to stand in line at the post office and ship it from there! No more options for just printing and sticking a label on a very small package and shipping it from home! Some of the options were $25+! I am really PO'ed about this! Anyone have any insight? I have searched online for the changes and have come up with nothing so far.
Grrrr, my 5 minute drive to work took 15+ minutes tonight because people are stupid. First it was a group of people wearing all dark colors standing in the middle of the road apparently just hanging out. I'm a big proponent of pedestriens having the right of way but really? I mean what makes this scenario seem like a good idea. "Oh, I know what would be fun. Let's all put on dark clothes so we're difficult to see at night, then pick the darkest part of the road and stand around chatting until we get hit by a car. Yeah, that's a great idea." I so wanted to ask them their names and tell them that when they inevitably get hit by a car I'd make sure to nominate them for a darwin award.

And then I finally get them to move so I can get through and have to slam on my breaks to keep from hitting some moron that decides not to stop at the stop sign before him and pull out in front of me instead. Then I get to follow said moron all the way to work going 10 miles under the speed limit which happens to be 25 miles an hour. 15 miles an hour all the way to work. I'm like, seriously? You can dart out in front of me causing me to slam on my breaks to keep from hitting you but 25 miles an hour is too fast for you?

Then I finally get to work and there's like 3 parking spots available and there are people standing in all of them chatting. I finally ask one group if they could please move so I can park and get "OMG your such a b****." Really? I sat patiently waiting for several minutes, apologized for interupting and politely asked if you could please move and I'm a b? Well pardon me for making you walk 5 steps so I can go punch in for the job that I'm now late for because apparently it's stupid, inconsiderate people day so you've all decided to come out and perform in a manner befitting your unpleasant natures. Gah.

I am so hiding in my office away from people as much as possible tonight.
Grrrr, my 5 minute drive to work took 15+ minutes tonight because people are stupid. First it was a group of people wearing all dark colors standing in the middle of the road apparently just hanging out. I'm a big proponent of pedestriens having the right of way but really? I mean what makes this scenario seem like a good idea. "Oh, I know what would be fun. Let's all put on dark clothes so we're difficult to see at night, then pick the darkest part of the road and stand around chatting until we get hit by a car. Yeah, that's a great idea." I so wanted to ask them their names and tell them that when they inevitably get hit by a car I'd make sure to nominate them for a darwin award.

And then I finally get them to move so I can get through and have to slam on my breaks to keep from hitting some moron that decides not to stop at the stop sign before him and pull out in front of me instead. Then I get to follow said moron all the way to work going 10 miles under the speed limit which happens to be 25 miles an hour. 15 miles an hour all the way to work. I'm like, seriously? You can dart out in front of me causing me to slam on my breaks to keep from hitting you but 25 miles an hour is too fast for you?

Then I finally get to work and there's like 3 parking spots available and there are people standing in all of them chatting. I finally ask one group if they could please move so I can park and get "OMG your such a b****." Really? I sat patiently waiting for several minutes, apologized for interupting and politely asked if you could please move and I'm a b? Well pardon me for making you walk 5 steps so I can go punch in for the job that I'm now late for because apparently it's stupid, inconsiderate people day so you've all decided to come out and perform in a manner befitting your unpleasant natures. Gah.

I am so hiding in my office away from people as much as possible tonight.

<scritch, scritch, scritch> can i come in and hide too?
I agree on the bad week. DH has been told his temp regular bus route (mat leave) is up three weeks earlier than normal, and with the route picks just two weeks away he is now back to casual and no longer on the seniority list for routes (the casuals get to apply for the few shifts left and most are out of our area and/or temporary and/or part time). This wouldn't be bad except his care aide job has also seen cutbacks and rather than increasing his one day a week, he is no longer even guaranteed that!

I applied for two four hour shifts a week at a new Michael's opening up; however I have finally gotten into a chronic pain management program after a 2 year waiting list - this is actually just a preliminary workshop of six sessions and I am still on the wait list for the main program so I have chosen to concentrate on this and withdrew my application (before DH got his news).

Yesterday our upstairs neighbour had a heart attack and died and I was really unnerved by it because I have lost a friend and because all the emergency vehicles were too close to home i.e. going through it three times in one year with Dad. Also, it was hard on Dad because he was remembering my Mom.

Today I woke up to our little dog, Joie, badly limping. We have had so many vet bills lately and this is causing tension between DH and I.

Finally, I just realized today that Snip hadn't been around and I checked her posts to find that she had left for South Africa and I didn't even notice. I didn't get to say goodbye and also realize that I am just so out of touch.

Also, a friend got some bad news and I hurt for her.

Okay, my whine is done - think I will go get some cheese.
I agree on the bad week.

Okay, my whine is done - think I will go get some cheese.

Wow! It must be going in weeks. My bad one was last week. The flu had me ground into dust.

Hey LPB, Odette (Snip), told me in a PM that she would let us know as soon as possible after she and her hubby were safely in SA.

I sure hope your next week is better than your last. Keep your spirits up! Especially if they happen to have ice cubes floating in them! :wacko: :LOL:
o.k. hope i can vent this without blowing a gasket. i made a time call for 3.30 pm for a taxi to the hair dresser. he showed up on time. surprise? as soon as i got into the cab he went off on me. he said , "don't make a time call next time,( i have done this for years) he said dispatcher held me for a half an hour for your call. i was only going a short distance. he said for a lousy five dollar call. needless to say we had words. he said , i need to make money, and proceeded to tell, me his woes. leasing prices, gas cost, etc. i said well you need to take it up with your dispatcher. he said, "now i know who you are and i will refuse your call" by this time we are at my hair dressers. i handed him my credit card. then he really went off on me. he says" and credit too" i lost it and said how bout if i just get out and don't pay you at all. he says " go ahead , i don't want your money"" i got out , slammed the door and left without paying him. i told him to call a cop if he didn't like it. he sped off. i asked for his card, no deal. i called the co. and when i stated my business, they gave me a recording. i will pursue this on monday. if i don't get an apology, i will report to the better business bureau. it was difficult to deal with him, i kept saying "i beg your pardon" he did not speak english very well. i am a bit disturbed that he knows where i live. we are a captive audience here, only one cab company. would not have wanted to know my blood pressure after this encounter. i was still shaking an hour later. i will follow through on this.
Grrrrr.... After working with our pound dog for a few months, we got everything just fine. She never was a house-training problem (oh, accidents on occaision which were human fault, not doggie), crate trained when we got her (she was a dog who probably never had a home .... was found on the side of the road, from what I see, probably someone literally dropped a litter off, how cruel can people be?) . Shuttled from one humane society (who were going to have to put her down) to another (a no-kill facility). We could see the good in her and worked hard and disciplined ourselves to train her (as I've said before, most dog training problems are really human training ones, hubby and I worked at it together).

Now, after several months of good behavior ... I loved someone who said, "you expect 100% from your dog? Do you get that from your teenaged kid? If you get 90%, go into the business! I'm paraphrasing.

Anyway, point being, in the last few days she's taken to potty-ing in inappropriate places. She seldom has an accident in the house, and when she does we know it is our fault (I wish I could get her to make a noise, but she just stares at us in a certain way. So if distracted, we can miss it. Even so, her inside accidents in the 6 mos we've had her have been negligible).

Well, long story even longer is that in the past week she's taken to doing her thing on the back porch rather then the yard. I actually can live with that, although I'm discouraging it. But not by much. When we have two feet of snow, that's where she'll have to go, anyway.

My husband wanted her to sleep on the bed rather than downstairs in her crate. I caved and it worked well for 4 mos (the first 2 she slept in her crate). Now, twice in a few days, she peed on the bed.

OK, I'd arranged for her annual to be in September (she really isn't due until November/December) because I'm taking her to Florida next month. I was going to have a full workup on her anyway. I'll talk to the vet. The last time we had this problem it was our beloved, geriatric JR terrier, and she had kidney disease. So I do want to rule out a medical problem.

I also keep telling hubby that just before we go to bed, we need to take her outside and stay out there with her until she does something. But neither of us follow through.

I'm not sure who I'm more peeved at, me or hubby. Cannot bring myself to be angry at Rosebud, because I'm pretty sure it is either us or medical, not even a discipline problem.

Oh, by the way ... Rosebud doesn't even spend 6 hours a week in her crate. We're both retired and although we have activities separate, she's not home alone very often, and that's the only time we crate her. She loves her crate and goes in there to just lie down if she feels a little stressed.

It is just frustrating to have come this far and now I'm laundering sheets and blankets every day (in spite of having a good sized house, because of the house's age, I only have an apartment-sized over-under washer/dryer system)
o.k. hope i can vent this without blowing a gasket. i made a time call for 3.30 pm for a taxi to the hair dresser. he showed up on time. surprise? as soon as i got into the cab he went off on me. he said , "don't make a time call next time,( i have done this for years) he said dispatcher held me for a half an hour for your call. i was only going a short distance. he said for a lousy five dollar call. needless to say we had words. he said , i need to make money, and proceeded to tell, me his woes. leasing prices, gas cost, etc. i said well you need to take it up with your dispatcher. he said, "now i know who you are and i will refuse your call" by this time we are at my hair dressers. i handed him my credit card. then he really went off on me. he says" and credit too" i lost it and said how bout if i just get out and don't pay you at all. he says " go ahead , i don't want your money"" i got out , slammed the door and left without paying him. i told him to call a cop if he didn't like it. he sped off. i asked for his card, no deal. i called the co. and when i stated my business, they gave me a recording. i will pursue this on monday. if i don't get an apology, i will report to the better business bureau. it was difficult to deal with him, i kept saying "i beg your pardon" he did not speak english very well. i am a bit disturbed that he knows where i live. we are a captive audience here, only one cab company. would not have wanted to know my blood pressure after this encounter. i was still shaking an hour later. i will follow through on this.

I'm spoiling for a fight, want me to come over and back you up???;) Sorry this happened to you Babe. You'll need to pursue it on Tuesday, the boss won't be in on Monday, Labor day.
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