Petty Vents

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you bet, come on over. i will call on tuesday, forgot about the holiday. i know there had to be a supervisor of some kind on the week-end. after being put on hold three times, i was just to angry to speak. the guy was a jerk, thanks for the kind words.
you bet, come on over. i will call on tuesday, forgot about the holiday. i know there had to be a supervisor of some kind on the week-end. after being put on hold three times, i was just to angry to speak. the guy was a jerk, thanks for the kind words.

I truly despise rudeness, especially over something such as this. He needs to lose his taxi license.
Babetoo, I feel your pain. There simply is not enough good, reliable, affordable public transportation in our country. So a cab driver can get away with this crap. It just isn't worth his time to do short runs? I'm going back to re-read, but can you call the management of the company and arrange for a regular pick-up, drop-off?

WHen people won't accept your credit card, when it is company policy TO accept it, it means they are trying to cheat the company and the IRS. So think of calling the company, asking for regular pick-ups and drop-offs, and see if they can bill you every month.

Reporting him to the company may be being a big favor for them, because he's cheating someone.
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A friend of mine is a cab driver and I used to ask for him especially, until he asked me nicely not to do that as he could lose a good trip (like an airport run), just to give me a short ride.

The dispatcher is the person at fault here, the driver had no business taking his anger out on you.

Do let the cab company know, but wait until you're calmer.
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I'd be madder than a wet hen, Babe!!

I'd print out what you just told us it so you can remember exactly what he said to you. That way you can give an accurate report to his boss.
If you're anything like me, in the heat of the conversation I'd draw a blank.
Good luck Babe, and we'll be needing a report ok? :flowers:
these days i generally only take one cab ride a month. just for haircut. i will follow through on this on tuesday. my neighbor said she would be glad to take me if she was at home. so that may just be a way. or will just make when my granddaughter is available. she would have taken me yesterday but she had a wedding. i am much calmer about it today and certainly did not lose any sleep over it. i do not get that mad often, probably a good thing, lol. thanks to all for the sympathy.
you bet, come on over. i will call on tuesday, forgot about the holiday. i know there had to be a supervisor of some kind on the week-end. after being put on hold three times, i was just to angry to speak. the guy was a jerk, thanks for the kind words.

I think you should also file a complaint with the government department that grants taxi licenses.
If you don't get it squared away with the cab company contact the credit card company. It is against Mastercard/Visa association rules for a business to refuse the card as payment even on small transactions.
Doctors who don't pay attention to what their patients and the family members are saying. I am so mad right now I can barely stand it!
PrincessFiona60 said:
Doctors who don't pay attention to what their patients and the family members are saying. I am so mad right now I can barely stand it!

Hear ya. My sister and my aunt, both nurses, have similar opinions.
PrincessFiona60 said:
Doctors who don't pay attention to what their patients and the family members are saying. I am so mad right now I can barely stand it!

I feel that one. Doctors are supposed to be there to help people, not collect a paycheck and congratulate themselves on how great and smart they are. They can't help people if they don't listen.
Speaking of Doctors who don't listen, have you all seen "The Doctor" a '91 film with Wm. Hurt? If you haven't, rent it.
I think every medical student should be required to see it before they ever see their first patient.
When will so many doctors finally understand they are employees, and get off that high horse attitude?
Oh--I'm heading back to Ontario on Friday. I've been with my folks for almost 8 weeks. In that time, I've had to clean my mother's butt (something I never thought I'd do--and more times than I'd like to recount--sorry--TMI), remind her to put on pants because she dressed for "town" in a top and panties, remade my parents bed because she couldn't find the queen-sized sheets and pinned (with big safety pins) double-sized sheets on the bed, taken a chunk of chocolate out of the linen drawer, kept her from jumping out of the boat 10 miles from shore when we went to the Lake...washed and set her hair, hugged her, and took her to the safety-deposit box to take out the cash she had stashed there because my dad has taken all her money out of her checking account and she likes having some money and screamed at my dad "this can't go on--I can't keep coming here and she can't continue to live like this." "She's fine when you're not here, it is only because you are here--" oh, please, give me a break!) I also have taken her "rollerboard" suitcase back in the house after she has packed it in preparation to "run away" or to come home with me three times now. Needless to say, I am heartbroken about leaving her. I am ANGRY at my father and at her doctor for not recognizing she needs more support (actually, she needs to be in a home or home with me, but short of taking the matter to court and having the rest of my family never speak to me again, I can't do that), I'm at my wits' end. Why is it so hard to get help for seniors? Why is it that the doctors won't help??????? How do you get the other person to stop being in denial? Why do I feel so awful about "enabling" my father when I'm only trying to make things easier for my mom? Where are my brothers? Is it too late for me to get a sex change? I want to be a son instead of the "good daughter" (never mind that I am the only daughter...). Word of advice--work out the care for your family members while they are all still mentally capable. Don't wait until one is no longer able to make decisions and the one who is "in charge" won't. Do I feel better now that I've vented? No. But thanks for reading this.
Oh, CWS. This really hits home in my house, as I'm sure it will in others. You are certainly in an unenviable position, between that rock and hard place. You have done so much. My mother died from Alzheimer's, but it was my older brother, being the closest nearby, who carried the heaviest burden; I am forever in his debt.

I don't know if I will develop this horrible disease, but whenever I read accounts like yours, I think of my Mom and her many irrational acts, beyond her control. At least she was unaware of her condition -- the only particle of mind's ease to be had. As I approach the age when her illness took hold, I wonder how I can avoid worrying about it, since there's no preventive that I know of.

So sad...
Oh--I'm heading back to Ontario on Friday. I've been with my folks for almost 8 weeks. In that time, I've had to clean my mother's butt (something I never thought I'd do--and more times than I'd like to recount--sorry--TMI), remind her to put on pants because she dressed for "town" in a top and panties, remade my parents bed because she couldn't find the queen-sized sheets and pinned (with big safety pins) double-sized sheets on the bed, taken a chunk of chocolate out of the linen drawer, kept her from jumping out of the boat 10 miles from shore when we went to the Lake...washed and set her hair, hugged her, and took her to the safety-deposit box to take out the cash she had stashed there because my dad has taken all her money out of her checking account and she likes having some money and screamed at my dad "this can't go on--I can't keep coming here and she can't continue to live like this." "She's fine when you're not here, it is only because you are here--" oh, please, give me a break!) I also have taken her "rollerboard" suitcase back in the house after she has packed it in preparation to "run away" or to come home with me three times now. Needless to say, I am heartbroken about leaving her. I am ANGRY at my father and at her doctor for not recognizing she needs more support (actually, she needs to be in a home or home with me, but short of taking the matter to court and having the rest of my family never speak to me again, I can't do that), I'm at my wits' end. Why is it so hard to get help for seniors? Why is it that the doctors won't help??????? How do you get the other person to stop being in denial? Why do I feel so awful about "enabling" my father when I'm only trying to make things easier for my mom? Where are my brothers? Is it too late for me to get a sex change? I want to be a son instead of the "good daughter" (never mind that I am the only daughter...). Word of advice--work out the care for your family members while they are all still mentally capable. Don't wait until one is no longer able to make decisions and the one who is "in charge" won't. Do I feel better now that I've vented? No. But thanks for reading this.

Well, short of knocking her down to break a hip and getting her in the system that way...not much. You have to call the state Elder Abuse line, report the conditions in her living situation and alienate the rest of your family to take care of your mother. Your are NOT reporting your Father for abuse, but rather for being unable to take appropriate care for your Mom.

This is NOT a's life for the elderly.
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Grrr. I was helping the hubby move some of the heavier stuff from our house to storage. He was moving something into the storage lot and I decided to be helpful and save time by moving the mattress into the lot since it's light enough for me to move by myself. Except I tripped while moving it and landed elbow first with my arm straight onto the arm of a chair. I felt my elbow bend backwords a little and then pain. Elbow isn't broken but I did over-extend it and it's soar enough that I can't lift anything very heavy or even reach around behind me to undo my own bra :( Not happy. So it's wrapped and I'm icing and elevating and resting while the hubby is still working. Took some ibuprofen and if it's still really bad or starts to swell or gets worse I'll get it checked. For now I'm just pouting a little because there is so much to get done and it's really not fair if the hubby ends up having to do most of it because I'm a clutz.
Ooooo! Sucks! Been there. I couldn't even brush my teeth. Turned out I tore the fascia around my elbow joint. It was a bit ugly. Took me WEEKS to heal up.
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