Question About Beef Jerky

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Assistant Cook
Feb 15, 2009
Ive used almost every steak, londoon broil, braising, flank, sirloin..... Braising steank ive found to be the best. i used to cut it, then marinate for about 4 hours... then dehydrate it... taste was "ok".. everyone sais to marinate the meat for atleast 3 days, is that ok for meat to marinate that long?
Ive used almost every steak, londoon broil, braising, flank, sirloin..... Braising steank ive found to be the best. i used to cut it, then marinate for about 4 hours... then dehydrate it... taste was "ok".. everyone sais to marinate the meat for atleast 3 days, is that ok for meat to marinate that long?

If held at proper temperatures -- Below 40* F. It will probably be OK...
IMO however, anything beyond 12 hours or a waste of time. In that length of time thin strips of beef should be fully flavored for jerky.

I have to agree with Uncle Bob ... and I don't know who they are that said to marinade for at least 3 days. I usually mix up my marinade in the evening, mix it up with the beef, and let it marinate in the refrigerator overnight - the next morning I take it out, let it warm up to room temp, then into the dehydrator. If you have sliced your beef before you marinate it then it generally doesn't take very long for the flavor to penetrate the meat. I have also marinated for as little as 4 hours with equally good results.
You could always experiment around with different spices or drying techniques to make your own personalized jerky.

I've tried quite a few recipes.Some were good. Some made me wonder.

Now I just prefer to use my own.Keeping it safe and simple was the best way for me.

Ive used a few methods, food dehydrator being the best results.

Im going to say 12 hours-2 days, no more since the meat will certainly start to break down after that.

I use flank or skirt steak, basically the thinnest cuts of beef I can find with minimal fat, those cuts work the best.
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