Raw chicken I got stinks

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Senior Cook
Jun 9, 2007
I have stared to cook it , it was pink in colour , How can you tell if a piece of chicken is not right , these are thighs.
especially with chicken do not full around. You probaqbly could take it back to store and tell them they are lucky you are not taking them to court, ask for new fresh chicken.
people i am going to risk it . I will see what it smells like when its cooked lol.
you`re a fool my friend!

don`t even bother smelling it, take it out now, wrap it in foil and baggie it then deep 6 the sucker!

order a take-away, and I`ll look forwards to seeing you post here next week :)

[and DON`T forget to wash your hands AFTER!]
Fine! eat it, I`m sure there is a place in the Darwin Award system for Culinary stupidity :rolleyes:
It might be ok, but I'd be very carefull. Sometimes a quick rince in vinegar will kill bad smell. Sometimes it's all it is. But some times, like couple of days ago, my wife made chicken, and I srew the whole thing away it smell bad after it was madeand I did not even risk tasting it. Usually Iam very brave(stupid) when it comes to these things, I'd eat anything, just pick the green stuff off. :LOL:

Just be carefull and smell and taste a very tiny little piece when it's done, and if you have even a sherad of doubt then toss it.
Raw chicken stinks, period. One of my high school friend's father owned a grocery store. The chickens came in waxed boxes, and it was her job to unpack them so they could be put in store packaging. She said the smell was awful.
But spoiled chicken smells spoiled. The best way to know for sure your poultry is fresh is to buy a package that's dated several days from your time of purchase and either freeze it immediately or cook it right away.
About a year or so ago we stopped at a small market that sold organic stuff. Just to take a look.

A woman who owns a farm about fifity miles from us hawks her free range orangic chickens there for five bucks a pound. That we were not interested in but thought the place must be OK.

Anyway we found two ham hocks for just a regular price and thought we would make soup.

Got home, opened it up, and it stank so bad we raced to the dump - the store was too far away to take them back.

If the meat is off get rid of it. Don't even think about eating it.
nicklord, all raw chicken smells a bit icky, but SPOILED chicken just downright reeks and it feels extra slimy. Not the normal slime from the skin, but a sticky kind of slime. Oh and trust me, once you have smelt rotten meat you will never again have to ask what it smells like.
:)Are you insane? Have you ever had food poisoning from chicken? I have and its no picnic believe me. I'm getting nauseous just thinking about it.
So unless you have a death wish dont eat it and for Gods sake dont feed it to anyone else.
i didnt take a chance i threw it away and put a mushroom pizza in the oven lol.
Smart!! Better safe than sorry. Best advice I ever heard about cooking was "When in doubt, throw it out."

The mere fact that you asked the question is enough to call "doubt".

Also, I have raised chickens, and not only does fresh chicken smell, so do live ones. But as someone said, "off" meat has a distinctive smell that is obvious. I think you made the right call.
nicklord, all raw chicken smells a bit icky, but SPOILED chicken just downright reeks and it feels extra slimy. Not the normal slime from the skin, but a sticky kind of slime. Oh and trust me, once you have smelt rotten meat you will never again have to ask what it smells like.

Thank you for better expressing what I was trying to say in my post.


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