Reading alot against using seed oils

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Senior Cook
Nov 9, 2020
by sending oil is meant corn oil, avacdo oils, sesame, grapeseed etc supposedly it is unhealthy because of the way it is processed. Any opinions?
I don't use oils in or for food because it packs on pounds and is not good for the endothelium of the vessels to and from the heart (and whole body).
The processing of oils by chemical means and heat is not healthy. That is my opinion.
If processing is the most important part of it for you, then try fresh pressed oils. I've ordered sunflower oil and it was a delight, light colored, very little flavor. I keep it in the refrigerator. I've used it in salves for lips and skin.
I don't use oils in or for food because it packs on pounds and is not good for the endothelium of the vessels to and from the heart (and whole body).
The processing of oils by chemical means and heat is not healthy. That is my opinion.
If processing is the most important part of it for you, then try fresh pressed oils. I've ordered sunflower oil and it was a delight, light colored, very little flavor. I keep it in the refrigerator. I've used it in salves for lips and skin.
That is my opinion as well. I really don't like the idea of a food oil being processed using chemical solvents.
Most of my fat consumption comes from the foods I consume, like for example in the salmon I consumed tonight or the striploin I'll have tomorrow, nuts and seeds, pretty basic stuff. As far as seed oils are concerned, the actual refining process and their exposure to oxidative stress and the contribution to an overabundance of omega6's in the diet, is basically a no go for me. I do use extra virgin olive oil, virgin coconut oil, butter, lard, duck fat for cooking.
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I guess if you fried foods it'd be a concern but how much oil do you use on a daily basis otherwise? I keep a variety of oils around. Not all have a high smoke point so you aren't supposed to cook with them.

For the record, fat is good for your joints and claws and fur. You need some fat in your diet.
I use vegetable oil for deep frying. I would rather use peanut oil, but it is too damn expensive by comparison. I use corn oil for pan frying. My mother always used corn oil and I have continued the tradition because I want her recipes I make now taste like she cooked them. I will use oilve oil for sautéing if the instructions specify, and I will use it as a finishing oil. I also have coconut oil, but not for cooking purposes. Use your imagination!

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