Saturday 11/19/2016 What's on the menu?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Not sure what's cooking in between turkey day prep.
Trying to biriyani, but I forgot to soak the rice and realized it now when it in the oven.. *sigh*
It finally happened, couldn't hold it off any longer-- winter found us. Snow on the ground and the temp may -May- get up to just above freezing today. I'm not leaving the house. Plenty of college football on the tv to keep me occupied.

AND dinner is already made. I made a big pot of vegetable beef soup yesterday along with Grandma's Danish egg dumplings. Just needs a warm up, though the leftover dumplings are heavier the next day when warmed up. It took years to figure out why my dumplings are not light like Grand's. Sitting around her large table, she didn't have Leftovers, and made more the next day along with adding more veggies in the soup.
We're at my in-laws' in Michigan and my MIL is coming home from the nursing home for lunch. I've made a pared-back Thanksgiving dinner - a turkey breast, stuffing and green beans with sautéed onions. In a bit, I'll top them with bread crumbs and Parmesan cheese and bake. We'll also have turkey gravy, Hawaiian rolls and pumpkin cheesecake for dessert.
Solo, overnight backpacking in the mountain. In my pack for dinner I've got Trader Joe's split pea soup, Sapporo Ichiban instant miso ramen, one egg for the ramen, dehydrated vegis for the ramen, salami, cheese, crackers to snack on, tea bags, and wine.
Being a Saturday night I'm sure there will be other backpackers at camp so I won't be alone.
Today is a work day here. So I have pizza dough thawing. Pizza sauce is made and all I have to do is assemble and bake.
Baking the lasagna that we didn't have from Thursday's United Way fundraiser. They forgot to send the instruction sheet, so I'm winging it. 375° for a half hour covered, then uncover and bake for another 30 minutes.
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Biriyani worked wonders, every one loved it even if it too 40 minutes extra and we had chocolate pudding with hazelnut cream for dessert. YUM
Were expecting rain. It's cold out. Snuggle time.:ermm::LOL:
Hope the power goes out to!:mrgreen:

Country style Biscuits with Sausage gravy sounds really good.
Was going to do fried rice... but think I'll add a nice cuddly gravy. Been a long day and need comfort food... and it's only just after 3!
I think I'm going to make scalloped potatoes tonight with a garlic sauce and add the rest of the ham to it. Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming and I need to practice that not-dieting thing in advance.
Well, I cleaned house today. Did all the laundry, then bathed the dogs, the cats and myself. Craig is tired too, 6 day work week, and so we are having It's All Greek To Me tonight. It's FINALLY supposed to cool off for more than a day of 2 so had to get the fur baby baths in. The kitties are STILL very unhappy, surprised they are even showing their faces. I think the are trying to guilt me.
Lemon butter cod....mixed greens salad with this awesome 10 year old balsamic gf gifted me today...some Camembert and figs for desert, and a big jug '0 Fazi Battaglia vino....
What exactly is an awesome 10 year old balsamic gf? Is she 10? Is she your girlfriend? :LOL:;)

I'm making a late beef stroganoff, won't be done until 9 pm, but DH won't be home until after that, so that works out fine. I made 2 lbs of spaghetti noodles, for the DS, carb inhaler, then 2 lbs of macaroni, froze most of it in 1 lb packages. It's easier to just make it all at once, dirty a pan once, get it out of the way while I have time. I still need to make a few lbs of rice, freeze it for him, then 3 zucchinis, cut the core out, cut in 1 inch pieces, saute, for myself. Harvested a big bunch of celery last night, with some peppers. Chopped up the celery for freezing, to use in soups and stews.
Oh, woe. I think I may have to go out and eat at McDonald's tonight. I doubled the sauce for my scalloped potatoes and only then realized I didn't have enough Parmesan cheese. So old smart me decided to add a cup of cheddar cheese to the sauce. Needless to say, I no longer have a sauce. What I have is a large, gooey mess. It's in the oven, trying to cook as I type. I'm giving it 40 minutes. Then I'll see how edible it is.

*a million facepalms*
Aww, RR, goopy messes with lots of cheese taste good! Hope you find it edible! Are you cooking it on low?
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Would you believe it? Yes, but not on purpose. I put in for about 45 minutes on what I thought was 350°. Went back to check it and the oven was only on 250°. It's pretty done, though, and all that cheese melted nicely. It even tastes good, so I'm eating it now. I guess it's hard to really screw up ham, potatoes, onion, and cheese.

Anyway, the potatoes are still a little chewy, but I'll put this back in the oven tomorrow and reheat it and the potatoes should get more done...get doner....well, softer, I hope.

Even with the ham it needed salt, though. And I just lost the salt shaker. I guess my keeper took the day off.
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With cheese, I still would cook it low. Or nuke it on low. Or stick it in a slow cooker. That might uncrunch your potatoes without clumping the cheese.
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