SKINNER! What's for Dinner? 20 February 2012

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Nov 22, 2009
Chesapeake Bay
Title: In honor of The Simpsons' 500th episode airing last night.

I just put the crock pot together. Sausage (my kielbasa I made on the weekend) and sauerkraut (from the crock in the basement).

Had a taste of the kraut as I took it out of the crock. Wow that has some tang to it, but the cabbage still has a bit of crunch. Much better than that bagged stuff in the store (and I really like that bagged stuff in the store).

I can't wait to have a go at the sausage. I did pan fry a bit of the meat Saturday evening and it was good, so this should be a special meal. Kathleen arrives home today and I wanted something kinda special for that.

Aye carumba, what do you have planned for dinner?
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Frank, I just read your tagline "First you start with a pound of bologna" and had to smile! People always rave over my "ham salad" and it has no ham in it! I only use German bologna! I usually buy a 5 lb. chunk and make a large batch and freeze it. When my freezer broke last year, I lost it all. Now I'm thinking I need to make another batch soon! As for my dinner plans, I have none at the moment. DH and I both have commitments tonight so we will probably just do something simple. I'll raid the freezer and figure it out. I'm saving the pork chops from yesterday for tomorrow.
SO is off today and we're going out for lunch. I think we'll do Thai. That might lead to a lighter, pick up meal for dinner. Maybe a chicken sandwich...
god, it never even occurred to me that i could have shrimp as a side dish. maybe i can do that one day, but i'm afraid the shrimp couldn't help but be a scene-stealing side....
DD and grand babies arriving today! DD has requested Taco Salad. DGD #1 eats like the proverbial bird, but seems to like salad these days, never thought a two year old would be a salad eater. #2 (11 weeks) packs her own meals with her (they even drive the car, now that's what I call "smart food")!!! ;-). Dessert may be ice cream, the two year old likes "cream" and could use the calories. Unlike her Nana!
god, it never even occurred to me that i could have shrimp as a side dish. maybe i can do that one day, but i'm afraid the shrimp couldn't help but be a scene-stealing side....
I just broil about 5 of them up in a bit of butter, wine, garlic, with bread crumbs on top. Almost like a starter, but I eat my starter and my main together....
sounds yumm the way you present it--with butter, wine and garlic, mmm. i think i'll try that together with one of my workaday meals--no competition that way....:)
DH and I are trying a type of rotation diet (can't eat the same thing within a four day period and no beef for 3 months or eggs for a year) regarding his food intolerances. The good thing is he can have wheat, gluten and soy, which have made meals challenging for the past while.

We have dubbed Monday Vegetarian Day and so we had Avocado, Lettuce and Tomato sandwiches for lunch. I made a spread out of canelli beans and herbs which worked really well as a binder and a protein. I am making a a fresh tomato pasta for dinner which is easy to heat up. DH will take his to work and I will be taking mine up to have with Dad while I give him his supper. It will be accompanied by a romaine salad for me and greek with goat feta for DH.

I am actually having fun with this! :chef:
We stopped by the "local" meat market to pick up some bacon and they had just put out "meat loaf mix" so I bought a package. So dinner will be meat loaf, baked potatoes, and salad.
CP navy bean soup with ham, and another batch of purple coleslaw. And Beano.
Yep, it looks to be about 2/3's beef and 1/3 pork..more or less. I'll add an egg, S&P, a handful of bread crumbs, and grated onion to the mix.

Okay, I promised Dad I would have dinner with him today, so can you save me a couple of slices so I can have a meatloaf sandwich tomorrow? :rolleyes:
Skin on bone in Outdoor grilled chicken breasts. It was 45 degrees today. You would too !! :cool: and some thick cut garlic toasts. Made enough chicken to make something else tomorrow. Lettuce salad with cukes, onion, radish and some olives with garlic and dijon vinaigrette. Woof, I'm full.
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