Snow Globes

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Executive Chef
Aug 31, 2004
Raton,NM, USA
;)So after 20 plus years I always worked the holidays Ive been gifted with alot of great xmas decorations and thru the years I collected a few snow globes they were so cute with the wind up music boxes as well being its my very first time in over two decades Im home for Christmas I pulled them out much to my dismay they were broken because I think the water in them froze thru the years and cracked the globes the water must have evaporated years ago.So Im just saying maybe dont store your Snow Globes out side of house if it its freezing.I did save a couple tiny ones they must have had some alcohol in them to keep them from breaking.Any way I was so excited about the globes just to get a little dissapointed but its still good.
Oh, Jackie. I'm so sorry. I love snow globes, too. Buck and I live in a house with a lot of "environmental" challenges, which translates into no air-conditioning in the summer and limited heating in the winter. Over the years, I've become aware of the things that are affected by humidity as well as those that can be ruined by heat and temp. I've lost some things along the way, which has made me sad.

Sorry you lost some of your treasures. I'll think about you the next time I see a snow globe and send you good vibes.
:)Thanks Katie.I think I will pull out the last of the glass and see if I can salvage them in some way since the wind up music boxes still work.
Jackie, I haven't had a snow globe for eons but when I did I know the water level always plummetted in them - and it was never anything to do with freezing conditions!!

I had something similar from Paris when I was there many years ago - a champagne bottle in a filled circle and the bubbles from the bubbly were akin to the snow in the globes. After a couple of years, there was insufficient fluid in them to keep them and the picture of the cork active. Things just aren't built to last anymore.

But I am sorry about your collection.
Sorry to hear that, Jackie My sister used to keep hers in an outdoor shed, and lost some of hers also. Now, they are kept in the attic. My sweetie gave me one with a picture of him inside it.
Here's a virtual one for you jp :)

Have a wonderful Christmas at home after all this time.

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