Sourdough starter?

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Hmmm. OK, I have it in a glass jar with the lid just sitting on top. I'll wipe out all the mold and put the lid on a bit tighter. Thanks Selkie.
I have started sourdough from flour and water with a little whey added. You can also buzz some grape skins in processor and mix with flour and water. These directions seem good and good luck to you and your starter. I keep mine in the refrigerator between uses, it separates, and never had any problem with refreshing it even after a few weeks. Just add two cup flour and two cups water mix and wait until it bubbles.

enjoy your bread
Wow. Thank you so much. I ended up tossing it and will try again. I just couldn't get around the mold thing. So...I'll try again and hope for the best. I will post what I did and how. I think I know some of the booboos I made this time.
Wow. Thank you so much. I ended up tossing it and will try again. I just couldn't get around the mold thing. So...I'll try again and hope for the best. I will post what I did and how. I think I know some of the booboos I made this time.

actually mold can sometimes form in sourdough, and you dont need to start entirely over again, but just dump most of the pot along with the mold leaving a tablespoon or two. Feed with a cup of water and cup of flour and you should be back in business very soon.
My choice of container was poor. It had a narrow mouth so you couldn't get at the good stuff without contaminating it with mold. I've learned from that mistake and will try with a wider mouthed jar. Think I'll do that tomorrow. I'd intended to do it today but got sidetracked.
the only times i`ve had miserable failures starting a sourdough, were when ijust used white flour and let whatever was floating around in the air in my kitchen take hold. a few times, many years ago. definitely dangerous-to-eat looking and smelling.
since then, i`ve always used whole grain, either wheat or rye, or introduced fruit peels, etc. and not had any problems.
i`ve never seen mold on a regularly used starter. i imagine it could happen if the starter weren`t fed in months, died, and then were left out to "revive".
only 1 person`s experience, though.

but as they say, when in doubt, throw it out.
I started sourdough with white flour and some whey or crushed grapes in the mix. This ferments quickly. About a week for whey, and 3 4 days for grapes. Your have to feed with additional flour and water frequently, probably every day or every other day, I dont remember exactly, but recipes are easy to find. I never had mold form. I have kept two starters in the refigerator for years taking them out and refreshing them with 2 cups flour and 2 cups water and fermenting overnight, I then put a cup back into the fridge and use the rest for bread. Maybe you are letting the starter sit out in the warm for too long without feeding. that is the only way that I can think of that it will mold.

If you a starting a starter, let the mixture of flour water and whey sit for a few days until bubbles form, that means fermentation has started, after that, it needs attention every day, stirring and feeding with more flour and water.
This thread made me do it. I have started another starter like the last one I had. The recipe says 5 days, so patience... patience...
FrankZ, how is your starter? Mine will be ready to use tomorrow or the next day I believe. I'll try to remember to post pix!
I have made a couple loaves with it. While I use it is is still getting better. :cool:

Of course I may just have to make bread tomorrow. Oh the horror!


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I have made a couple loaves with it. While I use it is is still getting better. :cool:

Of course I may just have to make bread tomorrow. Oh the horror!

It was definitely yummy! The starter sincerely gives it the sourdough flavor at this point. Prior to the last week, it was still good, but just tasted like white bread.

It DIED the day before I went to use it. Working on round #4 now. Will post when I FINALLY make bread with it. I think I either didn't feed it right or it was too cold.
It DIED the day before I went to use it. Working on round #4 now. Will post when I FINALLY make bread with it. I think I either didn't feed it right or it was too cold.

Can you describe what it looked and smelled like when you say that it died. It is nearly impossible to kill a starter with cold, just warmth and a little flour and water will start it bubbling again. You can store it in the refrigerator between uses. You may think that it has died because it has separated and there is a layer of liquid on top of the flour.just add more flour and water, it should be thick, and it will start again to ferment. Think of it as a collection of hungry bugs that go dormant when they have eaten all that is available, Feed them some more and they revive.
Dina, I fed it and nothing. It stayed separated. Tried again with feeding...nada. C'est la vie. I also realized I used tap water instead of distilled and the chlorine might have done it in.
i've read of tap water being harmful to sourdoughs, but i've pretty much always used it myself without the starter dying.

i'm wondering how warm or cold your kitchen is at this time of year. if you're sure the starter was active before, it could be that your cool kitchen was just making it take longer to work.

if worse comes to worst:

Classic Fresh Sourdough Starter - 1 oz.
French Sourdough Starter - 5g
Sourdough Cultures


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