Sunday, 5-28-17, what's on your plate?

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We had a salad with anchovies, tuna, eggs, lettuce and other veg. I made a creamy dressing to go with. It was good.
It was chilly up here, so I made chili. ;) By the time I was ready to make it, though, I lost my taste for it. I made small pot anyway, since Himself will eat it anytime, any weather. I also made a small pot of cheesy cauliflower soup - had one to use, and wanted to finish off the rest of the Vel-cheetah (Aldi "Velveeta"). Added a drizzle of liquid smoke, a couple finger pinches of white Cheddar cheese, and a (too big) sprinkle of Cayenne to pretty up the soup. Warmed me up good (pass the cold beer, please). I also popped a tube and made Grands biscuits.


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It is so nice to be able to use the grill again. We had chicken kebabs with corn on the cob and grilled asparagus.

We had sushi for an appetizer from a place just around the corner from here. We are finding some great restaurants in the new neighbourhood!
Hope you get some real food soon, CD.

I had some ground beef that needed to be used so I made patties, sprinkled them with za'atar and pan-fried them I also pan-fried more of the halloumi cheese (we're going through it faster than I expected!) and made Greek salad. Served it with tzatziki and pita chips. 0528172034a_HDR.jpg

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