Tailgating Sundays!

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Buttermilk biscuits and bacon with an ice cold beer are our recliner-gating items of choice for the Packer game today.
Got Pats! :)

I actually watched some CFL Friday night. Goodness that is a funny game. :-p

If you think the Friday night game was funny, you should have checked in on the one last night - one of the funniest comedy of errors I have ever seen (would have been better if BC had won in the end, but the roughriders are my all time favourites).

I am really beginning to enjoy American Football and understanding the differences between the two. But why do you guys make it so hard by having the goal posts at the back of the endzone? We at least put them up at 0 yard line!
I'm sitting here and guessing who's playing by looking at the insignia. Shrek is watching something called "The Red Zone" it switches all over the place. I'm thinking about cleaning out a closet.

He's not eating...no teeth! I'm sure he'll find something to munch on, in a bit.
Let's hear it for the Patriots!

Thanks to LP and Frank for your support!

Frank, sorry about the Browns loss. I'd have loved to see them beat the Steelers.


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Friday I put three chickens in a pot and made some stock, yesterday I turned stock into gumbo. A huge pot of gumbo, one might even say a jumbo gumbo.

The plan had been to have it for today (we did have some last night for dinner). All week it has been chilly and damp, gumbo seemed to be the right thing. Yesterday was glorious and today is about the same.

It might not be typical tailgate food, but it is good.
Friday I put three chickens in a pot and made some stock, yesterday I turned stock into gumbo. A huge pot of gumbo, one might even say a jumbo gumbo.

The plan had been to have it for today (we did have some last night for dinner). All week it has been chilly and damp, gumbo seemed to be the right thing. Yesterday was glorious and today is about the same.

It might not be typical tailgate food, but it is good.

Gumbo is good anytime! Yum! Okra?:)
I will soon be roasting a couple of split chickens so SO can make her signature chicken dinner pies for dinner tonight (and for the freezer). That leaves me free to watch the Patriots in the 4:15 game in San Diego.


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No recliner-gating today for us ... we're actually at Lambeau for the Packers VS Vikings game. Looking forward to stadium food and a beer!

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