Tell Us About Your Parrots!!

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Sous Chef
Jul 8, 2005
Mystic, CT - transplanted from Lancaster, PA
I have 4:

My first & most beloved: African Grey, Stevie - named after Steven Tyler & Stephen King. Found out that he is a she. Smarter than a lot of people I know. Her vocabulary never ends. I've had her for about 13 years. She never ceases to amaze me. She's the one who I would NEVER give up.

Groucho - Mexican Redhead Amazon aka Green Cheeked Amazon - pre-owned bird. He was wild caught & is around 25 years old. To him, I am the only reason to keep breathing. He is the loudest thing ever but we can't give him up, either. I'm afraid he would pine away & die without me. He is way too attached. If anyone - human, avian, or feline comes near me, he goes nuts.

Mikey - a gift from my husband early on in our relationship. A gorgeous Blue & Gold Macaw. Again - she was named before we found out that he was a she. Intelligent & the most talkative, after Stevie. Beautiful & funny.

AJ - last but not least - our Sulpher Crested Cockatoo - we picked up the little brat in CA on the way home from our honeymoon in 1997. He has the personality of a 2 year old child. Very prone to temper tantrums which he displays by throwing food & hissy fits! Destructive little beastie!
awwwwwwwwwww! I love hearing stories about "family" members! Makes me wanna go out and get one!!! Go AJ!! I still throw tantrums at the age of 29!!!
I have a grey and white cockatiel (Australian native parrot) named Pip who throws seed when he's annoyed! He also rings like the phone and whistles when anyone comes to the door. My brother has a normal coloured one named Len who is the crankiest bird you could ever meet!! He hisses at people when he's annoyed.

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