TGIF Dinner, February 16, 2018

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Certified Cake Maniac
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 22, 2007
The Great "Wet" North
I am still needing soft foods after my dental work earlier this week so I am making meatloaf. It is soft, especially when I drench it in mushroom gravy!

Sides are mashed sweet potatoes, steamed veggies, and I am hoping to make some GF zucchini loaf for dessert.

What is everyone else having?
On this day I have no plans to incorporate almonds into my dinner.

The current plan is to make chicken with pickled peppers and Kalamata olives and serve it over rice.
It's the first day of Chinese New Years. We are having Chinese take out.

No fireworks.

Gong hei fat choy.
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I need to clear the fridge of some leftovers, so I can cook something new this weekend.

In honor of the "days" I went shopping for Chinese Almonds... No store I went to had them.. :(

So... We are having a Pressure Pot chuck roast w/ potatoes, carrots, onions and celery... Will thicken the sauces for a gravy, of course...Most likely a green salad too..

I baked brownies for later.. :yum:

Just a really beautiful day here, so the new grill will be put to use with Jumbo Shrimp on metal skewers seasoned with melted butter and sprinkled with Tajin'. I'll also grill some asparagus, and if I get around to it I'll make some Dragon Lady Sesame Noodles.
Those noodles just sound right with the meal.
Yes, TGIF! :LOL: I'm exhausted...Tyler's school is closed today for Presidents Day weekend and his mom and dad had to work, so I've had that busy little guy since 7:30 AM. Still another hour and a half 'til 5 when he gets picked up. :wacko: I love him to pieces and it's a beautiful day to play out in the backyard, but there's only so much baseball and playing catch that this old body can do. :LOL:

Dinner will be an easy one with no cooking - store bought roasted garlic hummus and crackers, deviled eggs, assorted pickles and olives. Ice cream for later. :yum:
Geeze Cheryl, "President's Day Weekend"? What's with that idea? They get both Fri. and Monday?? Cheyenne will have just Mon. off from preschool.
I wonder what parents do if they don't have family to help out when the schools close down for whatever reason.
Hope you have a bottle of wine to go with your dinner. ;)
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Geeze Cheryl, "President's Day Weekend"? What's with that idea? They get both Fri. and Monday?? Cheyenne will have just Mon. off from preschool.
I wonder what parents do if they don't have family to help out when the schools close down for whatever reason.
Hope you have a bottle of wine to go with your dinner. ;)

Yep, Washington and Lincoln would turn over in their graves at the thought of re-arranging their birthdays just so 'we' could have a 4 day weekend. :rolleyes: It's crazy. I feel bad for the families who don't have a grandma handy to look after the young 'uns.

No wine in the house today. :(
Most schools around here have the entire week off. My boy just gets Monday off. I think I'm taking him and a few of his buddies hiking Monday afternoon.

Btw, talk about turning over in their graves, add Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to that list. My job gives us the choice of taking either day, not both.

Anyway, I have the night off, so my first dinner was with my family. My boy made breaded tilapia that was perfect. Moist inside, crispy coating outside. He said he was watching Gordon Ramsay videos this afternoon to get inspiration, lol. So after my first bite, I pretended to spit it out and curse at him. I felt he should get the full effect. But seriously, I couldn't have done better. He even made and seasoned his own breadcrumbs. :chef:

I'll eat again later as I'm used to a late night meal. I'm making chicken simmered in a Malaysian sweet chili coconut sauce (from a jar), served over sticky rice like tikka.
I wonder what parents do if they don't have family to help out when the schools close down for whatever reason.
Hope you have a bottle of wine to go with your dinner. ;)

In our case, I work(ed) as much overtime as I can, usually 25+ hours a week so that my wife could stay home. We had no family nearby to help, so I guess I should consider myself lucky to be able to do that. Many people probably have to work 2nd jobs.

Btw, K-L, how do you put the butter on the grilled shrimp? I'm thinking it would just run off, sort of. Or do you brush it on while it cooks, or something?
We had “whatever you want” from the fridge. Choose from tuna casserole, beefy noodles, broccoli salad, and other assorted dribs and drabs.
Just a really beautiful day here, so the new grill will be put to use with Jumbo Shrimp on metal skewers seasoned with melted butter and sprinkled with Tajin'. I'll also grill some asparagus, and if I get around to it I'll make some Dragon Lady Sesame Noodles.
Those noodles just sound right with the meal.
WOW, I just love that new grill of ours. It gets SOO much hotter than the old one, and did both the shrimp and asparagus perfectly. SC always goes crazy when I fix the Dragon Lady Noodles.


In our case, I work(ed) as much overtime as I can, usually 25+ hours a week so that my wife could stay home. We had no family nearby to help, so I guess I should consider myself lucky to be able to do that. Many people probably have to work 2nd jobs.

Btw, K-L, how do you put the butter on the grilled shrimp? I'm thinking it would just run off, sort of. Or do you brush it on while it cooks, or something?

Bucky, when my kids were little I stayed home and took care of other people's kids to make ends meet as a day care mom. School holidays were a zoo with the added siblings of the little ones. :wacko:
About the butter......I brushed hot melted butter on the cold skewered shrimps and sprinkled the Tajin'. It solidified because the shrimps were cold.
Brushing with more butter as they cooked worked well. Very tasty.

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