The Sopranos - new season starts this Sunday

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Chef Extraordinaire
Aug 19, 2004
My mountain
the new season of the sopranos starts this sunday. are you gonna watch it?

on one hand, i love the show. it is so close and deadly accurate about many of the social and gastronomic ways that i was raised, from my friends and influences as a kid, to the area that i live in today. many of the scenes are shot in and around my current hometown. i even used to hang out in the bada bing, mostly after nights out with the guys, or after a day trip skiing and such.
but that was before it became famous from the show. now it's a horrible tourist trap, with every italian looking guy in the place claiming to be connected.
"hey pal, do you know who i am? do you know my family?" is a common response when you may have offended someone.
my response to that was usually, "yeah, i know your sister :brows: ", or "yeah, don't you deliver pizza for pizza hut?". then it was fightin time. one on one italians are tough guys, just don't put them in rows in uniform...:)

anyway, the part about the show that i don't like, besides falsely empowering young italian american guys is that it glorifies organized crime. it makes being a criminal look cool. besides gambling, which i really don't have a problem with (if you're dumb enough to gamble, you deserve to lose), prostitution, burglary, extortion, and just plain random violence really affects our society in terrible ways, and are the hallmarks of the mob.

so, i'm kinda torn loving the show, and hating what it stands for.

so, do you watch, and how do you feel about the show?

btw, i think the complaint from italian americans that the show demonizes them is crap. you have to be narrow minded to think that all italians are mobbed up just from a tv show. all nationalities have their own version of organized crime. also, there are several ital./amer. characters on the show that are somewhat upstanding citizens. often, they are the ones preyed upon, showing the downside of dealing with the devil.
umm, no one?

no one is a fan of the sopranos?

fuggedaboudit, i'm gettin aggida here already...
I love the show, bucky. I wait patiently until the season comes out on DVD, and then rent the entire series and watch it in a marathon.

I'm not too worried about the story line. What I like the most is the excellent ensemble cast they have - how much better can it get with people like Jimmy Gandalfini and Edie Falco? Jimmy G. is such a talented actor he can make you feel sorry for a stone-cold killer.
My hubby is waiting with baited breath but, he is having ambivalent feelings because he won't get his Sunday night jollies from Desparate Housewives-He doesn't have time to "watch one at a later time".Anywho I for one am hoping Chrissy gets whacked this season- sorry-but, he has rubbed me the wrong way since day one!!!!

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