The "what are you listening to now" thread

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Well, I accidentally clicked on the OP, and saw the "No Heavy Metal" admonition. I'm not sure what Caslon calls Heavy Metal, it could be Metallica (I'm not a fan), or it could be the music I came of age with, like RUSH, Van Halen, Sammy Haggar and even AC/DC.

Now, I also have an appreciation for Sinatra, Willie Nelson, the Beach Boys and Bill Withers.

Anyway, tonight I'm listening to the kind of rock I listened to an played in High School, although this song is from 2009. It's not for everyone, but what is?

I'm all over the place tonight. I stumbled on a video of a classmate and bandmate of mine from High School. She stuck with the music, while the rest of went on to other things.

I found this (poor quality) video of her at the House of Blues, with an interesting intro. She used to be Michael Jackson's tour guitarist, so I guess she knows people who know people.

I have a couple of HS Yearbook photos of Becky, my best friend Marty, and me playing a Beatles medley at half-time in HS. Guess which one is me. hint, Becky is a girl.




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I wish I had bothered to download that video post of mine and blurred out Roman Polanski's face. He's accused of a sex with a minor in the 70's, I'm not sure if he was tried in abstentia and found guilty or not. There sure is a lot of that kind of thing in the news today.

I know this place is G - Rated, but jeesh. My post was about a big eyed beauty put to a Dylan song. I have no regrets posting a collage of Sharon Tate photos put to song that includes a couple shots of her husband. I wish I had blurred his face out. Then there would be no need to have replaced my posted video with another.
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I wish I had bothered to download that video post of mine and blurred out Roman Polanski's face. He's accused of a sex with a minor in the 70's, I'm not sure if he was tried in abstentia and found guilty or not. There sure is a lot of that kind of thing in the news today.

I know this place is G-Rated, but jeesh. My post was about a big eyed beauty put to a Dylan song. I have no regrets posting a collage of Sharon Tate photos put to song that includes a couple shots of her husband. I wish I had blurred his face out. Then there would be no need to have replaced my posted video with another.

I must have missed that post. I don't know what you are referencing.

You are not responsible for the actions of others. I think Kevin Spacey is an outstanding actor. Harvey Weinstein produced some great movies. I am certainly not condoning their behavior by saying they made some great movies. They did make some great movies... and they did do some awful things. I can say both of those things without any guilt. Both are true.


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