Tomatos: peel and de-seed question

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Sous Chef
Dec 4, 2007
Austin, TX.
Is there a "trick" to this?

To peel, I usually cut off the stem end, then boil 30 seconds, cool, then the peels come right off...

but when I cut in half to de-seed with a small spoon, they're still pretty tough..

should I just boil a little longer?

Thanks, Eric, Austin Tx.
The purpose of plunging tomatoes into boiling water is to aid in separating the skin from the flesh. It's not meant to assist in de-seeding. I don't use a spoon to de-seed my tomatoes. I use my thumbs to dig into the area where the seeds are and nudge them out.
To deseed, I cut the tomato in half horizontally, leaving the stem on one half and the blossom end on the other. Then I use a squeezing motion or my fingers to pop out the seeds.
Large quantities for canning we put them hot water....Smaller quantities..for sandwiches, salads etc. Start on blossom end with a sharp knife...DW can peel one in a jiffy...
Rarely de-seed...When we do, the Thumb/Finger Extractor works really well...........
Thanks Y'all...that worked a treat!

I boiled just a bit longer than before, then peeled and halved..then they just sort of "squoosh" with your hand, and out come all the seeds..

Great, Eric.
you squeeze the boiled/shocked halves, shock in ice water & boil approcimatiely 30 seconds. score& core tomato before cooking. the seeds drop right out! then you coarsely chop. (concasse.)
I notice that Andy and I pretty much use many similar methods, and I'm with him. I don't want to boil my tomatoes too much, so when I have to peel and seed, I used the time-honored method of slicing a shallow cross in the bottom end and immersing in boiling water for a very little time, then in ice water and peel. Seeding is a pain, but I also slice the tomato vertically, then stick my thumbs in and push the seeds out. I do that first, then put them through a food mill if I want it to be more carefully seeded.

If you are mostly growing (or buying) fresh tomatoes for sauces, be it canning or freezing, it helps to grow (or buy) a variety that is best for that. I'm sure others might know more but Italian plum tomatoes and last year I grew Amish paste tomatoes. These have a higher "meat to seed" ratio in my experience. Personally, I only do preserving of tomatoes that are in excess of those I eat fresh, and prefer the more acid-y taste for fresh eating.

Boiling a tomato for a longer period of time than it takes to loosen the skin can actually defeat your purpose: the "meat" of the tomato can get mushy and make it harder to remove the seeds without sacrificing the rest of the tomato.
I've heard of people, when they get a bumper crop of tomatoes--they freeze them whole w/seeds, and when they thaw they peel easily. The benefit of freezing, is that you don't have to can or cook them when the weather is hot, but, you can get that fresh tomato taste in the middle of winter when cooking warms up the house nicely.
I haven't tried it yet, but, might try it this summer as my plants are looking really nice so far.
Bliss, I have in most years roasted tomatoes, then frozen, but last year --- with only 4 tomato plants! --- it got to be an awful lot of work. It seems my mom did it that way. When they thaw, if I remember right, you pour off the watery part, then seeding and peeling is easy. But it takes about 2-3 times as much freeze space than doing it in advance, and I don't have a freezer now (well, aside from my top-of-the fridge one).

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