Tuesday Supper 2023 June 27

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
We shared the leftover pizza and penne carbonara from the resto delivery Sunday. I made a salad to accompany that - oak leaf lettuce, red cabbage, carrot, celery, and red onion. The dressing was my batch vinaigrette.

Homemade salad and leftover resto pizza and penne carbonara.jpg
Tonight I made a batch of Black Beans with Bacon and Tequila, that I saw an Instant Pot recipe for in Milk Street magazine. 10 cloves of garlic, and I used up some of last year's garlic cloves, and a couple from the smaller ones I harvested a couple of weeks ago. Turned out really good, but I'm not sure what flavor the tequila gave to it - I'd have to taste it without, side by side, to compare.
Black Beans with Bacon and Tequila, from Milk Street. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
Did no one eat yesterday? We had fried fish, hushpuppies, cream potatoes, homemade cole slaw and refrigerator pickles.

View attachment 65071
I haven’t thought about creamed potatoes in years!

My grandmother used to make them using bacon fat, flour, milk, leftover boiled potatoes, and plenty of black pepper to help stretch a simple meal.

I need to get busy and stir up a memory! 😋
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