Turkey Marsala

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
Turkey Marsala

April 2013 007.JPG

Turkey Breast that I cut up into cutlets (it's cheaper this way)
a dusting of Flour and a little S&P
a quick sauté in some Olive Oil until just done
transfer to a dish, set aside
add more Olive Oil if need be
brown some Crimini Mushrooms (we like alot)
along with some minced Garlic and Shallots
a decent sized glug of Dry Marsala Wine (please, not cooking wine)
scarpe up any nice brown bits in the pan
some Chicken Stock/Broth (`round about 1/2 cup for two servings, I like to have lots of 'gravy' for the Pasta too)
a goodly sized pat of Butter swirled in
(don't stir, this helps to thicken the sauce)
add back in the Turkey and any collected juices
let bubble for a bit
(taste at this point, do you like it? add more Wine or Broth, Salt, Pepper)
plate with Pasta of your choice (I used Barilla Whole Wheat Spaghetti)

:idea: Recipes are just someone else's idea, take it and make it your own
I've made veal and chicken marsalas but never turkey. I have some frozen turkey breasts in the freezer from last November. I should break one out for a marsala.
As an Italian, I grew up loving Marsala- especially chicken and veal! But I've never had a turkey marsala. I am going to give this one a try!
I have made cutlets from pork tenderloin for other dishes. I think it would work for a Marsala as well.
Let me know when you guys try the turkey, I make this dish often with whole wheat pasta.

When I first got divorced and started learning to cook, this was a dish I made for my daughters when they came to visit. I made it with whole chicken breasts and added cream to the sauce. It turned out to be a favorite for them so now I cannot change the recipe when I make it for their consumption.
the marsala is in the cupboard, the turkey is in the fridge, and I have a plan.....

I knew there was I reason you good cook (g)
made this last night - turned out most excellent!


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dems' be limas. we're fond of limas.....

the other plate didn't photo so well.... or so I thought...


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I think I got a bit carried away with the chicken stock reduction - failing to observe the "lotsa' gravy/sauce with the pasta" caution/advice provided.... would have been happier with a bit more liquid.

the rotini - Barilla - was a good choice, imho. I ingested a lot of that in s. Germany/Switzerland - I was surprised to learn Barilla manufactures in USA. In this house, if I didn't make the pasta, the B-pipples did. and, being a bit lazy, I've got a whole shelf full of most of their shapes..... just in case.

a dry marsala is not easy to come by in my area of Penna. we have state controlled stores - those people got no sense of wines.....
I do the opposite thing dc, since I rarely measure (other than when I bake) sometimes we have an over abundance of sauce/gravy, but I simply put it away for lunch the next day. It's also good for bread dunking too ...

"a dry marsala is not easy to come by in my area of Penna. we have state controlled stores - those people got no sense of wines....."

:rolleyes: I hear ya dc, DH is from PA. When we visit, I always come prepared with my "three buck chuck" ;)
Sounds good kgirl, thanks for sharing. Nice recipe to have for the T day holiday season!

dc, nice pic - that looks really good. :yum:

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