Using an Aerogarden

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Senior Cook
Feb 22, 2006
I have stuff planted, but I'm kind of cheating. Got me an Aerogarden™. I've always had great results with herbs outdoors... potted or planted, but I've only gotten mediocre results at best indoors. This should hopefully solve said problem.
I saw one of those the other day at a Target. I was wondering what they were and how they worked. I didn't know the name. I just googled it. It should be interesting to see how it does. Keep us updated.
I came across this review recently: Aerogarden Review

She concludes that it works well, but unless you use lots of fresh herbs, it's probably more expensive than buying them. OTOH, there's the convenience factor to consider :)
I saw one of these at the local cooking store but at $150 for the system, $20 for seed packs that have to be replaced 3-4 times a year and $20 each for two special grow bulbs that are supposed to be replaced twice a year, it seems a very pricey way to go.
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Sounds like a lot of money and a lot of herbs to be growing, but can you just save seeds from the first batch to replant more instead of buying their seed packs?
Unfortunately, Maverick, that wouldn't work. The Aerogarden plants are meant to be used long before they'd mature enough to produce seeds.

Even tho I grow herbs on my windowsills & outdoors on the deck & in the garden, I've still been tempted by the Aerogarden. But - not only is it pricey for what you get, but I know that my cats would consider it their personal salad bar, & as much as I love my cats, paying a couple of hundred dollars so they can have their own "Ruby Tuesday's" is a bit much - lol!!
maverick, the seed packs that they sell are actually little frames with a sponge like growing medium containing a seed, the entirety of which is meant to fit into the holes in the aerogarden.

it seems to me that you could just replace the sponge and seed part in the little frame and save a lot of money on their seed kits.

i just got one for christmas, so whenever i get around to setting it up, i'll post a review.
Oooh - do let us know how it works Buckytom!!!

I secretly still want one, even though I know what a PITA it will be keeping the cats away from it - lol!!!!
yeah, i know breezy. i'm putting mine on top of the microwave in the downstairs kitchen (my kitchen :chef:). the nuker pretty much takes up the entire stand that it's on, so there should be no room for curious little paws to get footing.

famous last words, huh?
Unfortunately, Maverick, that wouldn't work. The Aerogarden plants are meant to be used long before they'd mature enough to produce seeds.

Even tho I grow herbs on my windowsills & outdoors on the deck & in the garden, I've still been tempted by the Aerogarden. But - not only is it pricey for what you get, but I know that my cats would consider it their personal salad bar, & as much as I love my cats, paying a couple of hundred dollars so they can have their own "Ruby Tuesday's" is a bit much - lol!!

Bad kitty! LOL.
I had a friend that had the same problem, she put posts on the corners of her rectangular pot and then used that as a frame to hold up screening around them so her cats couldn't get to them.
She had moderate success, along with training. Apparently sometimes the cats figured the 'buffet' to be worth the effort to get past the screening!:LOL:
Oooh - do let us know how it works Buckytom!!!

I secretly still want one, even though I know what a PITA it will be keeping the cats away from it - lol!!!!
Oh, crap, I forgot about the cats. I just ordered one on special with extended payments. I didn't even think about the cats. Hopefully they don't eat the herbs.
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And unfortunately with me it's not just the plants I have to worry about. One of our cats is positively MANIC about running water. Turn on a faucet & he's there in a heartbeat wanting to drink from the running tap. And yes, we did buy him one of those running drinking fountains for Xmas - lol!!

But since Aerogarden does have a running pump, I wonder if, even tho he has his own fountain, he won't be pawing at the pots trying to get at the running water sound.

Sigh. I'm starting to think that if I do ever get an Aerogarden, it will have to be hidden from view in a catproof room.
I am poking my head in cause I just saw the commercial and it's febuary in Maryland and winter hasn't even really hit yet and I was wanting a mesclun salad and you can't find descent mesclun this time of year. Or Okra. Or young asparagus. When you do it can be $ 5 or 6 for pint of okra or a pound of asparagus.
I would eat salad every day if it was fresh.
$20 a packet $ 60 a year, fresh vs vacuum sealed... Real food with flavor and not grocery store genetically engineered , stay fresh, anti bruise, limited choices , priceless.
Anybody check epinions
If it Works I'll share with my parents.
These aerogardens are just appearing over here ~ I really would like one, and am hoping that the family club together and buy me one for Mothers Day, which over here is on 2nd March. Have any of you tried them out properly yet, as they certainly are expensive. Fresh herbs are very expensive in the local supermarkets, and our local market isn't much better, a few bits in a bag, and very limited types ~ I have grown them on the windowsill, but they don't get enough sunlight over winter ~ thank goodness the days are getting longer.
vilasman, i don't think you could get somwthing like asparagus from an aerogarden. i'm not sure if that was your intention in your post. but it does give me a chance to talk about food. :-p

it's not that difficult to grow asparagus in a garden or raised bed, or (i've heard) even a wide, 25 gallon bucket, but it takes time and patience. all you need is extremely rich but somewhat akaline (pH 6.5), well drained soil and a dormant crown. the soil is the key, keeping it from getting compacted in clay environs. even average soil usually needs sand added to it for asparagus. you also have to let the plant develop into ferns the first 2 years, to build energy into the roots for future harvest.

bury the crown about a 8 to 10 inches deep, and in the spring you'll get the shoots coming up through the soil. once established after a coupla years, snip away as you see the spears come up. they go from fresh, young asparagus to wood in no time, so don't be shy. after a few early harvests, let some of the spears go to form a bush or fern again. you'll eventually learn what you can take.

if you want to get fancy and harvest white asparagus, build a box out of a 2x6's and plywood, making sure it's light tight, and place it over the area where the crowns shoot up. i did this one year, and it works great. but it's dangerous as you can kill off your crowns if you're not careful to let them get light and grow to ferns with the last several shoots. the crowns need some energy to last another year.

i fondly remember a spring not too many years ago when i thrilled my mil by going out to the garden on easter morning and coming in with a load of asparagus and a tiny bouquet of crocus. freshly snipped asparagus has an unbelievably bright, green, and nutty flavor that is lost within hours of harvest, much like heirloom corn.

ok, back to aerogardens. :)
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My Aerogarden is supposedly out for delivery today. FedEx tracking just isn't as good as UPS so I don't actually know if it is or isn't. I got the Italian herbs. I'm home and currently unemployed so this may be my only batch I can do even though I'd love to try the Gourmet set.
Unfortunately, Maverick, that wouldn't work. The Aerogarden plants are meant to be used long before they'd mature enough to produce seeds.

Even tho I grow herbs on my windowsills & outdoors on the deck & in the garden, I've still been tempted by the Aerogarden. But - not only is it pricey for what you get, but I know that my cats would consider it their personal salad bar, & as much as I love my cats, paying a couple of hundred dollars so they can have their own "Ruby Tuesday's" is a bit much - lol!!
Hey Breezy, just wanted to let you know, even the cats can't hear the motor in this thing. It's super quiet and I know that was a concern.
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