What are you baking today?

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JMediger said:
Rhubarb pie ... I just started making my own crust so it's been a little more rewarding.

Mmmmm, rhubarb. I have like 2 stalks left. May have to bake them in a piece of lefse or a wonton wrapper. Yum.
Yesterday was only in the 80s, so I used that as an excuse to bake some banana bread. I used two different recipes from food network, and I think that Tyler Florence recipe was the winner! The other was from a bakery in Boston called flour, or something like that, their recipe was good, but Tyler's was better, more flavor. I am on the search for the perfect banana bread and Tyler's is pointing me in the right direction.
We were down to 3 slices of bread, so I'm about to form dough into 2 loaves for plain white toasting bread. The weather's not like a blast furnace today, so turning the oven up to 400F for a little while won't be torture.
To hot & humid here to bake anything at home. Baked enough at work today with honey wheat bread, cookies & coconut cream pie.
You turned on the oven?

It was only 12C here yesterday (55F) so you BET I turned on the oven! And its only going to be 18C here today (66F) so it appears summer is now over ******. Hopefully we will get another hot flash or two in Sept, but it looks like we're done now.
It was only 12C here yesterday (55F) so you BET I turned on the oven! And its only going to be 18C here today (66F) so it appears summer is now over ******. Hopefully we will get another hot flash or two in Sept, but it looks like we're done now.

I wish, it has to make it down south a bit more for me. I did put the throw back on the bed, it gets a little chilly at 4 in the morning. You notice, I did not close the windows...:ROFLMAO:
must be those september hot flashes, alix. lol.

hey, you're too young for that...:angel:

Waaaay too young! I will admit to living in fear of them tho. I may spontaneously combust if I ever have one.

BTW, pudding was better on day two.
I spend my life fanning myself already. I'm ALWAYS hot. When I finally do get a hot flash I'm REALLY scared.
I've had to bake more since starting my blog. Kinda tricky keeping the weight in check, but so far so good.

made blueberry coffee cake today.
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