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That is great Addie...just a short stroll to the ocean then :)

I am a Cancer and Steve is a Pisces..so we should be closer to the ocean too ;)

I often go and sit at one of the tables and do my embroidery while I watch the planes take off. There is always a cool breeze coming in off the water. The table I sit at is under a big tree and shaded. :)
Thanks for all the well wishes. Done and back home. The open MRI was OK. Noisy and boring for 30 minutes but now It's done and I have the video!

I think I'll go take a look at it and self-diagnose.

Ha ha, I told ya so! Glad you were able to lose your fright.
I have had an MRI for my shoulder too...I too was a bit scared at first but it was actually OK :)

It was quite a modern one machine and it was enclosed but still light with cream coloured walls, so it didnt feel bad at all

Also it was a bit noisy but I didnt hear much as they gave me headphones and music playing away

Glad it is all over for you Andy :)

What happened to your shoulder?
my guess is that the chip (against the yankees) got too big and heavy after all of these years... :cool:
...What happened to your shoulder?

As I told the Dr., there wasn't a single event that made it start to hurt. It just happened one day. Then if I did something I shouldn't, there would be more pain for a few days. The Dr. felt it was just the wear and tear of life that eventually wore me down.
I have had an MRI for my shoulder too...I too was a bit scared at first but it was actually OK :)

It was quite a modern one machine and it was enclosed but still light with cream coloured walls, so it didn't feel bad at all

Also it was a bit noisy but I didn't hear much as they gave me headphones and music playing away

Kylie, the newer machines are not enclosed at all. It like a big doughnut and you lay in the hole. Your head and feet are on either end of the hole. It has only a whirring sound. The machine you were in can be hell for those with claustrophobia. The first time I had to have an MRI, the doctor asked me if I had claustrophobia. He didn't even wait for an answer. Just the look on my face answered his question. I started to shake and cry. They ended up knocking me out completely. The new machine? I just hop right up and let them start. :)
The MRI I was in today looked like this.

Sort of like an open hamburger bun with you sliding into the middle. The top surface is still only an inch or two away from the tip of your nose. I felt no real sense of being confined in a small space.

IT was still noisy. Lots of banging and whirring and other assorted noises. They were not really an issue.


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Kylie, the newer machines are not enclosed at all. It like a big doughnut and you lay in the hole. Your head and feet are on either end of the hole. It has only a whirring sound. The machine you were in can be hell for those with claustrophobia. The first time I had to have an MRI, the doctor asked me if I had claustrophobia. He didn't even wait for an answer. Just the look on my face answered his question. I started to shake and cry. They ended up knocking me out completely. The new machine? I just hop right up and let them start. :)
That sounds like the machine they used on me for a CT (computer tomography) scan.
The MRI I was in today looked like this.

Sort of like an open hamburger bun with you sliding into the middle. The top surface is still only an inch or two away from the tip of your nose. I felt no real sense of being confined in a small space.

IT was still noisy. Lots of banging and whirring and other assorted noises. They were not really an issue.
So, does a whole person fit on the round part? Or does the person lie on the bit in front and it moves up over the round bit? Or something else?
taxlady said:
So, does a whole person fit on the round part?

No. Just a half person, or if extra large, a quarter person. :LOL:
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The platform in front is a moving bed you lie on. The bed then moves into position on the 'bun'.

Addie, this is my only time on an MRI so I can't compare the noise this made to the older versions. Maybe it is a lot quieter. I just have no point of comparison.

With headphones and soft music, the noises were strong but not obnoxious or painful to your ears. I would have fallen asleep if it wasn't for the noise.

I was a bit apprehensive last night watching 60 Minutes Sunday night, it seems there was an MRI in the picture every 10 minutes and they all looked like this:


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started cleaning craft closet. i have a long table, tried to set up so i can divide things into yes or no piles. i am not strong enough to set the table upright. very very annoying. son due later so he'll have to do it. puts me behind though.

ordered and received one of those spiral water hoses. figured would be safer for me if i didn't have to mess with the regular hose. it always tangles. i can't get the damn package opened. another son job. i hate having to depend on other people.

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