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I just finished closing off the one porch so snow doesn't take it over this winter.
I will miss the view.
I think I finished my snit about having to have MORE work done on my brand new furnace. I'm sitting here waiting to hear when they are going to arrive to fix the gas leak.
A little ELO?

For Loud or Irritating? I like ELO! I find most people cannot handle classical or bluegrass at high levels. The classical I can handle, the bluegrass would get on my nerves before the lesson was learned.:LOL:
I went to the Mission (it has a retail shop) this morning looking for some used cookbooks. Am happy to say I found two of them. When I was ready to leave I laid them down on the counter and the man looked at me kind of strange. He pointed to the cookbooks and then he looked at me and we both started to laugh. One of the cookbooks was called Low Fat and Healthy and the other one is called C&H Sugar Complete Dessert Cookbook.:LOL:

ROFL!!! I find myself doing things like that, too!
I just finished closing off the one porch so snow doesn't take it over this winter.
I will miss the view.

If I feel like living dangerously, I may take the hurrican shutters off the kitchen window today, even though hurricane season doesn't officially end until Dec. 1. I've missed being able to see into the back yard since June 1, and might even get some fresh air in the bargain. I put the shutters up on a couple of windows so that I wouldn't have to struggle with all of them at once in the event of a storm.
If I feel like living dangerously, I may take the hurrican shutters off the kitchen window today, even though hurricane season doesn't officially end until Dec. 1. I've missed being able to see into the back yard since June 1, and might even get some fresh air in the bargain. I put the shutters up on a couple of windows so that I wouldn't have to struggle with all of them at once in the event of a storm.

Besides the view (which my one dog enjoys, too), it means I should go out to the end of the porch and do a visual before I let my dogs into their "potty area). Otherwise instead of going out to the end of the porch and hanging a right, they may decide something needs changed off the property and hang a left :(
I really look forward to taking that plastic down in the Spring.
The pecan pie is done and the pumpkin pie is in the oven.


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Andy M. said:
The pecan pie is done and the pumpkin pie is in the oven.

I have a plate and a fork. Would be happy to test your pie, Andy. Looks scrumptious!
I'm doing laundry and trying to decide what to have for dinner. I know it's going to include ground beef and some sort of pasta side dish with a veggie.
Thank you all for the compliments. I look forward to this pie all year as I only make it once or twice a year.
Andy your pie looks so good. Did you have a favorite when you were growing up? I really miss my mothers mincemeat pie, I have never tasted any as good as hers.
I am pre-flighting for tomorrow. I have the turkey broth simmering. The sweet potatoes are cooling to make the casserole. I still need to make Pumpkin Pie with Gingersnap crust and one with no crust(maybe). I have some hamburger to deal with that I bought last night. Chop the celery and onions for the stuffing. Prep the Broccoli and Cauliflower to be steamed tomorrow. Prep the turkey to be stuffed. I am toying with the thought of making Honey Glazed Dill Carrots.

It smells heavenly in here.View attachment 12458View attachment 12458View attachment 12458
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Andy your pie looks so good. Did you have a favorite when you were growing up? I really miss my mothers mincemeat pie, I have never tasted any as good as hers.

Thanks, JoAnn. My favorite since childhood has been and still is blueberry. My second favorite is pecan (with the vanilla ice cream I made yesterday).
Making brine for the turkey's bath tonight. SO just called and is coming home early. We'll have time to sit and relax with a drink before dinner.

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