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Thanks, Kylie, Dawg, Addie, and PF, for the input on the robot cleaners. I had pretty much given up the idea, thinking that using it would just be another chore for a busy, full-time working couple to deal with. Now I'm back on track. Thanks again!
The robot cleaner gets along the baseboards so you don't have to get one of those attachments out. For my mom, who has mobility issues and cognitive issues, but is still aware of when the floors are done and very anal about them, it gives her control of still being able to "keep house." I bought her an IRoomba because she could no longer lug the vacuum around and, I have to say, it entertains her. She doesn't always remember to run it or clean it (which only takes about 2 minutes after it is done), but she likes hers. Mine did the living room, kitchen-dining area, hallway, and bathroom yesterday while I (a) organized the hens for my being gone overnight, (b) packed the food I wanted to bring out to the farm, (c) took a shower, and (d) loaded the car. When Hilda Hustomte (my name for my IRoomba) was done, all I had to do was load Cliff (the dog) in the car, clean IRoomba, lock the door, and go. And, when I go back on Friday (provided "the lads" don't make a mess), my floors will still be clean, or Hilda can go to work again while I offload the car, check voice mail, etc.

America's Test Kitchen tested robotic vacuums and rated IRoomba as the winner. Don't recall if Hom-bot was included in the test or not.

From a quick look at Hom-bot, it looks as if it would be more expensive to use because it has Wi-Fi. It also has more stuff under the hood that could go wrong, so could be more expensive to repair. Just my two cents. When complexity is engineered into a product, if it fails, it costs more to repair or can't be repaired easily.
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Kylie, I'd like to buy one for my working-couple kids. Their house is all one level, ceramic tile floors, no carpet. Seems like it would work just fine. And budget-wise, Christmas is still several months away.....

CWS, do the hens drop feathers when they get to come into the big coop? Or do they drop other stuff? :ermm::)
Very much unplanned, but I'm spending the day canning. Last night Glenn went to his son's house because Kenneth was harvesting a large part of his garden because of the drought here.

Glenn came home with a trunk full of green beans, corn, cucumbers, tomatoes, and several types of peppers.

So...I've canned 24 jars of beans and am about to tackle 3 milk crates of corn.

Not what I'd had on my schedule today, but it will be yummy when cold weather rolls around.
Went for a "fish pedicure" with Stirling today. It was interesting and a bit tickly, but not too tickly.


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taxlady said:
Went for a "fish pedicure" with Stirling today. It was interesting and a bit tickly, but not too tickly.

Did you like the results? Did it work?
Well...put a fork in me. I'm done.

All said and done, the day's production included 20 jars of canned beans, 72 ears of corn-on-the cob in the freezer, 6 containers of "freezer corn" off-the-cob, a bunch of assorted peppers, and some cobs of corn for tonight's dinner.

I still have to deal with a heap of cucumbers, but that won't be too difficult. As Scarlet would say, "I'll think about that tomorrow."
Katie H said:
Well...put a fork in me. I'm done.

All said and done, the day's production included 20 jars of canned beans, 72 ears of corn-on-the cob in the freezer, 6 containers of "freezer corn" off-the-cob, a bunch of assorted peppers, and some cobs of corn for tonight's dinner.

I still have to deal with a heap of cucumbers, but that won't be too difficult. As Scarlet would say, "I'll think about that tomorrow."

Holy moly. Nice job, Katie!

I've been mucking out the spare bedroom.
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Have recently got up, had a shower, washed my hair and now enjoying a coffee

We are going out early this morning to get a few things from the shop and Steve has a doctors appt. I have finally convinced him to see a doctor about his sore back...what is it with men and doctors :rolleyes: :LOL:

See you all later this morning :)
Did you like the results? Did it work?
I think it would work better if two people weren't sharing that number of "fish attendants". I think it would have to be repeated a few times to get more results. I wouldn't have another fish "pedicure" at that spa again.
Back from the shops!

Steve bought me a lovely soft dressing gown while we were out, it is lovely :)

It is so soft, warm and cosy that I will want to wear it all day :LOL:
After the fish pedicure we went to a nearby a West Indian store. We went in search of hot sauce. We have had very good luck with hot sauce from this store in the past. Picked up some hot lime chutney and some Pickapeppa brand hot mango sauce. Oh my, oh my, oh my! They are both really tasty. I can hardly wait to try them with a meal.
Very much unplanned, but I'm spending the day canning. Last night Glenn went to his son's house because Kenneth was harvesting a large part of his garden because of the drought here.

Glenn came home with a trunk full of green beans, corn, cucumbers, tomatoes, and several types of peppers.

So...I've canned 24 jars of beans and am about to tackle 3 milk crates of corn.

Not what I'd had on my schedule today, but it will be yummy when cold weather rolls around.
What a wonderful sense of accomplisment! I'll bet your holuse smells really good. :yum: Getting so much canning done this early in the year. I used to can, & loved it, then we got our business up & going it just fell by the wayside.
What a wonderful sense of accomplisment! I'll bet your holuse smells really good. :yum: Getting so much canning done this early in the year. I used to can, & loved it, then we got our business up & going it just fell by the wayside.

Well, simonbaker, accomplishing this much in what appears to be early in the season is only because our season is at least 4 weeks ahead of schedule. Our weather has been so unseasonably hot and dry that everything is soooooo ahead.

But, yes, the kitchen was definitely a great place to be and all the jars of beans and the stacks of vacuum-closed bags of corn-on-the cob were awesome to behold.

Last year I put more than 100 ears of corn in the freezer and, since we didn't put out a garden this year because of the dry weather, it's nice to enjoy Kenneth's generosity. We even had some corn for our evening meal tonight. Yummy!!!
taxlady said:
Went for a "fish pedicure" with Stirling today. It was interesting and a bit tickly, but not too tickly.
I've wanted to do this for a couple of years but I think the only place within 60 miles has stopped offering it.

I thought their website said health department required the fish be put in fresh water for each new client so the water can't share foot diseases.

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