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This morning I cut half of the Costco rotisserie chicken off the bone and portioned it out in 2 vacuum seal bags for the freezer. I can't eat a whole chicken within a few days by myself. That left the carcass that I couldn't bear to throw out, so chicken stock has been slowly simmering on the stovetop for a few hours. Celery, onions, peppercorns, parsley and thyme went into the bath - it smells so good when I go to check on it. :yum:

Now I'm fixin' to chop up a huge onion from the farmer's market a couple of weekends ago. The other one was even bigger. :ohmy: I'm going to have plenty of chopped onion in the freezer for a long time. :)


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Cheryl, that is one big onion. Any idea how much it weighs?

Good question, Taxy - I forgot what the scale said when he weighed it. Maybe a pound and a half....? I'm not good at guesstimating, though.

They're Candy Onions, very good - sweet and juicy, one of my faves. :yum:
I could go for that, Aunt Bea and Dawg....maybe I'll get another one this weekend and try it out on the Weber. :yum:
I just finished requesting a correction to the number of "points" earned on a shopping trip to a local grocery chain. Often it isn't worth the effort, but this is $17.10 worth of points that I can spend in store.
This morning I cut half of the Costco rotisserie chicken off the bone and portioned it out in 2 vacuum seal bags for the freezer. I can't eat a whole chicken within a few days by myself. That left the carcass that I couldn't bear to throw out, so chicken stock has been slowly simmering on the stovetop for a few hours. Celery, onions, peppercorns, parsley and thyme went into the bath - it smells so good when I go to check on it. :yum:

Now I'm fixin' to chop up a huge onion from the farmer's market a couple of weekends ago. The other one was even bigger. :ohmy: I'm going to have plenty of chopped onion in the freezer for a long time. :)

Good thing you're holding that onion Cheryl or we would have never believed how big it is!

Hey, about the Costco chicken, have you ever made this recipe from PPO? It's the best soup ever! Read the whole thread.

It's the best ever soup! I only use a small portion of the meat from a Costco chicken as you know, they are huge.
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Good thing you're holding that onion Cheryl or we would have never believed how big it is!

Hey, about the Costco chicken, have you ever made this recipe from PPO? It's the best soup ever! Read the whole thread.

It's the best ever soup! I only use a small portion of the meat from a Costco chicken as you know, they are huge.

It must be the best soup ever the best soup ever since you said that twice ;) I just copied it. Can't wait to try it when the weather cools down.
The outside half inch or so of that onion would be great stuffed and baked! :yum:
Back when I was a sweet, young newlywed, I had a subscription to "Apartment Living". I used their recipe for Stuffed Onions. The photo showed a very Scandinavian-looking couple holding a casserole dish with these lovely onion shells, filled with chopped onions and meat - pork, I think. I had that recipe in my folder for ages, and only recently tossed it out because eating an onion stuffed with onion is not a pleasant thing if you are around me later. :ohmy:

Even since baked stuffed onion was mentioned here at DC within the past year, I have been hunting online for the recipe. I'm sure many of you would thoroughly enjoy it...and be pleasant to be around later. ;) I'll keep looking.
Kgirl, good to hear from you again. Sounds like a great evening in beautiful New Mexico. :)

Taxy, my daughter uses an app similar to what it sounds like you use. It's called 'shopkicks' or 'kicks', something like that....? I don't know for sure what it's called, but she gets some pretty good discount 'points' for future purchases and has a lot of fun using it. :)

Kay, I just looked up PPO's recipe for the chicken tortilla soup that you linked to. Will definitely make that, scaled down. It sounds great! I love chicken tortilla soup, and PPO's recipes are always so good. :yum:

CG, OMGosh, I remember 'Apartment Living' magazine! Looking forward to seeing the stuffed onion recipe that you're looking for!
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Wow, Addie.....odd that after all these years of not seeing your great granddaughter that all of a sudden you get all these phone calls for help. :ohmy: Where does Abbie live, does she live far from you? I'm glad you're getting to see her after all these years. I wouldn't be able to handle not seeing my grands for that long. Hope you have a nice visit with her and lots of hugs. That's great that she's headed for college.

(By the way, just so you know before you see Abbie....ASL= American Sign Language. ALS is a degenerative neurological disease....just sayin' :))

With 19 grandkiddies I don't see all of them even in one year. The oldest is 37
. I also have two grandkids that live in Maine. I see them about two or three times a year. She was living in NH, but has now moved down to two towns over from me in Everett. She is living with her father so she can commute to college each day. Here in Mass. if you live within a certain distance from the school, you can commute. Otherwise it is mandatory that for your first year, you have to live on campus in a dorm. Otherwise if she had used her mother's address, it would have cost her parents a whole lot more.

My youngest grandkid spends his time between Vermont and Mass. He is seven.

Dang keyboard! The wrong keys were jumping under the wrong fingers again. They just love to mess up what I am trying to say. Thanks for the correction. :angel:
Back when I was a sweet, young newlywed, I had a subscription to "Apartment Living". I used their recipe for Stuffed Onions. The photo showed a very Scandinavian-looking couple holding a casserole dish with these lovely onion shells, filled with chopped onions and meat - pork, I think. I had that recipe in my folder for ages, and only recently tossed it out because eating an onion stuffed with onion is not a pleasant thing if you are around me later. :ohmy:

Even since baked stuffed onion was mentioned here at DC within the past year, I have been hunting online for the recipe. I'm sure many of you would thoroughly enjoy it...and be pleasant to be around later. ;) I'll keep looking.

I was thinking that the onion would be good stuffed with a cornbread/sausage stuffing. Not sure if I would par boil the onion before creating the shell or try to make the shell with a raw onion.

I also saw several videos for "onion bombs". :yum:

This is one example.

Aunt Bea, not sure I'll ever track that recipe down again. I do keep looking to post it here, but since I won't be making it again for us there is no sense of urgency.


I'm heading out the door as soon as I pop my contacts in. After five months of growing my hair out, my stylist should have enough to work with and get rid of this haircut from hell. :ohmy: I have NO idea what she was doing last time....actually, I think I do. I think she spent SO much time making sure the right side of my head was just so, that she had to rush through the left side to finish on time. I sure hope I'm her last appointment today - and I'm making sure she starts on the left side of my head this time. :LOL:

Wish me luck! I might need it. :ermm:
Thanks for the video Aunt Bea - wow, do those ever look good. :yum:

Good luck at your hair appt., CG, I hope you're happier with it than last time! I just had a hair appt. last weekend, and I told Alan he is never allowed to retire. :LOL: He's a 'young' 62, and I've been going to him for 15 years. Once he had an out of town family emergency when I had an appt., so rather than wait till he got back, I saw someone else. Not nearly as happy with my cut. He noticed the next time I went in, and I told him I had to be unfaithful to him. :( :ohmy::LOL:
Cheryl, this haircut is a lot closer to the way Tanya cut in last October, so I walked out smiling. Even Himself said it is a definite improvement over March's cut. He still wishes I'd let it grow long like I used to wear it (I had it down to my waist when we got married) but I tell him that isn't happening anymore. Still, I miss long hair. Just not when I have to wash/dry it.
Cheryl, this haircut is a lot closer to the way Tanya cut in last October, so I walked out smiling. Even Himself said it is a definite improvement over March's cut. He still wishes I'd let it grow long like I used to wear it (I had it down to my waist when we got married) but I tell him that isn't happening anymore. Still, I miss long hair. Just not when I have to wash/dry it.

What is it with men and long hair? The day before I married my first husband my hair was down to the back of my knees. I had a full head of flaming red hair. I was on my way to the bakery to check on the cake and ran into hubby. "What are you going to do with your hair tomorrow?" "Don't worry, I have an appointment." The next time he saw me I was coming down the aisle and my hair didn't even cover the back of my neck. I think he spend the whole ceremony in a state of shock. I sold my hair. And I didn't tell him for almost a year. I have never let it grow long again. Not even down to my shoulders. Too much work to take care of it.

The older you get, the younger you will look with short hair. And along with long hair, dark colors will add ages to your face. Ninety percent of my clothes are pastel. The rest are a dark blue. And most of my hair is white. Thank heavens no more red hair. :angel:

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