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Shrek is now using the elec scooters or the wheelchair with a basket (I push). Sometimes he looks like a rolling trash heap by the time I finish shopping, but it does make the trip go faster. It's also easier to leave him at the end of an aisle while I run down and get what I want.
Shrek is now using the elec scooters or the wheelchair with a basket (I push). Sometimes he looks like a rolling trash heap by the time I finish shopping, but it does make the trip go faster. It's also easier to leave him at the end of an aisle while I run down and get what I want.

I'm getting closer to taking my turn with those!

These days when I go into the store, even for just one item, I grab a cart to use as my rolling walker!

"When life is too much, roll with it, baby" - Steve Winwood
I'm getting closer to taking my turn with those!

These days when I go into the store, even for just one item, I grab a cart to use as my rolling walker!

"When life is too much, roll with it, baby" - Steve Winwood

My mom was too proud to use a motorized cart, but she always insisted on using a regular shopping cart as her "walker".

It took me three years to talk her into getting a handicap tag for her car, and even then, she wouldn't hang it from the mirror, she left it on the seat!
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Got run into by a lady on a mart cart at Walmart on purpose...
Good lord, what was HER problem? Or...did you do something to antagonize her...:LOL: :whistling

I'm relaxing. Every stinkin' time I have a garage sale I swear I'll never do it again. And then I do. :rolleyes: BUT, I did make $166 dollars today (including the pre-sale stuff from a neighbor). Even deducting paying for tonight's take out of $23, which will feed us tomorrow and another day too, I still cleared almost as much as I need for a tablet of my own...since Himself said we could "share" his, and now he won't. :LOL: And we did get rid of some things. Not enough, but some. Forgot to take photos before I started today, so here are a couple of shots of what I'll have starting tomorrow. Weather permitting, we'll do this again next Thursday/Friday. At least almost everything is priced...


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Looks good, CG. Nice and organized - I dislike going to garage/yard sales when everything is a jumbled mess.

My son-in-law hosts huge Halloween parties every year and would like your ghost. :LOL:
Shrek is now using the elec scooters or the wheelchair with a basket (I push). Sometimes he looks like a rolling trash heap by the time I finish shopping, but it does make the trip go faster. It's also easier to leave him at the end of an aisle while I run down and get what I want.

99% of the time I see most people are more than happy to help those who are shopping alone while in elec scooters. The thing I see most often is those who have trouble reaching the regular milk - they put it on the highest shelves and the soy/almond/half and half/cream etc. on reachable shelves. :ermm:
99% of the time I see most people are more than happy to help those who are shopping alone while in elec scooters. The thing I see most often is those who have trouble reaching the regular milk - they put it on the highest shelves and the soy/almond/half and half/cream etc. on reachable shelves. :ermm:

When I was at the store yesterday I watched a very short little old lady trying to reach the top shelf to get a box of tissues. I was going to ask her if I could help, but she managed to get it. As I'm tall, I have no problem reaching stuff, and try to offer help when needed. She was pretty feisty!
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When I was at the store yesterday I watched a very short little old lady trying to reach the top shelf to get a box of tissues. I was going to ask her if I could help, but she managed to get it. As I'm tall, I have no problem reaching stuff, and try to offer help when needed. She was pretty feisty!
If I see a tall person nearby, I ask them to help me with stuff from the high shelf. It's hard to climb the shelf and grab stuff at the same time. :ermm: :LOL:
I find a good percentage of people who need help don't ask right away. So I offer. But no one ever offers to get down on their hands and knees to get an item at the back of the bottom shelf for me.
I find a good percentage of people who need help don't ask right away. So I offer. But no one ever offers to get down on their hands and knees to get an item at the back of the bottom shelf for me.

I would offer...I do it often for tall people.:rolleyes:
I know what you mean, Addie. I'm 52 years old, 5'5" and 130 pounds. I look pretty good for my age (she says modestly :ermm: :LOL:) but because of a variety of medical issues, I have painful neuropathy in my feet and general weakness and fatigue. It took me a long time also to let go of my pride and use the electric scooters, but if I don't, I'll pay for it later.

For Lance and others who might feel like he does - or anyone who would like to understand what it's like living with chronic illness - take a look at this: But You Dont Look Sick? support for those with invisible illness or chronic illness The Spoon Theory written by Christine Miserandino - But You Dont Look Sick? support for those with invisible illness or chronic illness

Thank you so much for that piece GG. My sister-in-law had lupus and one day decided to give up all her medications. She simply stopped taking them. She lived for about a year or so, and then succumbed to her illness. I have psoriasis and every so often they do a blood test for lupus. It comes back false positive. Of course the doctor wants to treat me for lupus. After watching what my SIL went through, I can very readily understand the spoon theory. No thank you. I do not want my false positive lupus treated.

Someone once told me that "getting old is very hard work!" I have to agree with that person.

Your day is coming. You will be glad for the privilege of using one of those electric carts.

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I've never seen that. In all the grocery stores I've been in, the motorized carts are on each end of the store, right as you walk in. Along with the shopping carts, and the childrens' car-type carts. Doesn't make much sense for them to be in the middle of the store and make the disabled walk that far in order to get one. :huh:
Does your son go get the cart for you?

Unfortunately, not my store. There are about 20+ carts and they are lined up right in the middle between the two entry doors. Plenty of carts, not much common sense went into the planning. :angel:
I find a good percentage of people who need help don't ask right away. So I offer. But no one ever offers to get down on their hands and knees to get an item at the back of the bottom shelf for me.

I don't hesitate at all. The help at Market Basket have all be extensively trained in customer service. I will ask help or anyone within ear. At 4'7", there aren't too many shelves I can reach. :angel:
I don't hesitate at all. The help at Market Basket have all be extensively trained in customer service. I will ask help or anyone within ear. At 4'7", there aren't too many shelves I can reach. :angel:
I offer to help if I see someone needed help.
Now my son and a cousin might need your help with the lower shelves. They are 6'4 and 6'9.
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I offer to help if I see someone needed help.
Now my son and a cousin might need your help with the lower shelves. They are 6'4 and 6'9.

Since I am new, I will not give Lance my opinion of his comment.

I am short enough. Shorter than most of my grandchildren. I will volunteer anytime. :angel:
I find a good percentage of people who need help don't ask right away. So I offer. But no one ever offers to get down on their hands and knees to get an item at the back of the bottom shelf for me.

I am 5'9" and am really good with things at arms level and above. However, with my back and knees I can't get anything below that. People that know me are used to seeing things on the floor that I can't pick up or can't find my grabber. I leave a list out for TB of things I need out of the cupboards before he goes to work :LOL:.

As for stores, my main grocery store staff see me and automatically ask if I am getting any pop or sparkling water that day. They are great. In Costco I am not too proud to ask staff or customers to put a case of water or something else in my cart if I am shopping alone.

But then again I am special! :angel:

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