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Just now getting around to reading e-mails and such today.

Mom had a eye Dr appointment today and my sister came in to go with us. All is good with her eyes, no changes, no signs of the diabetes doing anything to them.
It's the Red Sox opening day against the Pirates. So I'm sitting here watching the game. What else would I be doing?
Things like this doesnt happen that often here. The hard part is that the news is trying to put the blame on the bus driver, fully with out any proof.
We had a bad one here in Texas about a week ago. 13 people died, only two survivors. It is still under investigation, but the driver who caused the accident (one of the two survivors) was apparently texting while driving.


Texting and driving just can not be done at the same time. Period. 13 people are dead, and a 20-year-old is going to have to live with that for the rest of his life.

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Texting and driving is a bad combo.
By law here they should have all been wearing seat belts and the adults on the trip should have made sure of that but some werent.
We had a bad one here in Texas about a week ago. 13 people died, only two survivors. It is still under investigation, but the driver who caused the accident (one of the two survivors) was apparently texting while driving.


Texting and driving just can not be done at the same time. Period. 13 people are dead, and a 20-year-old is going to have to live with that for the rest of his life.


I read about that. I guess the driver who caused the accident just said, "Sorry." He was weaving all over the road before he crashed and two other people called 911 to let the police know what was going on. But the crash happened before the cops could get there.

I am just sitting here counting my aches and pains until I go to bed in a little bit. I've got some Benadryl I'm going to take in a half hour and that will put me right out.

Wednesday night I filleted myself on the leg with the exacto blade and ended up going into emergency to see if I needed stitches. They just put some of those butterfly stitches over the cut - they call them steri-strips or something.

The wound started itching on Thursday and I thought Great! I'm already healing! Yeah, no. On Saturday the end of one of the strips came loose and my skin was all red underneath. So I pulled them all off and the cut was fine. But each end of all the strips (there were 4 of them) had left what looked like a burn mark.

So I trot into Urgent Care on Sunday and guess what? I'm allergic to whatever glue they put on those things. I actually had blisters under the strips. I got the Benadryl to relieve the itching a little.

So the cut looks like it's going to heal fine and also heal a lot faster than the blisters that came from the strips that covered the cut. This is a case of the cure being worse than the original injury.

This could only happen to me. :wacko:
My backyard is de-leafed, and my 2017 herbs and peppers are planted.

I have a huge live oak in my small yard, and for those of you not familiar with live oaks, they drop their leaves in the spring while new leaves grow simultaneously. They also drop these pollen pods in massive quantities. I usually clean it up myself, but this year was really heavy, so I paid some younger guys 50-bucks to do it. They filled nine of those big, paper yard waste recycling bags.

I planted some basil, and replaced my oregano that didn't fare well over the winter. As for peppers, I'm only doing cayenne peppers this year. I use those a lot, and they freeze well.

My rosemary bush is looking pretty ragged, so I may need to replace it, too. My thyme bush came back beautifully this spring. I'm already using it.

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Went and got the new to us dozer. I was bummed I couldn't haul it myself but I did get to drive the pilot car.


  • received_10154173650386017.jpg
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Wow, Jon, those are both large pieces of machinery. The way you have the photo framed, it looks like the flatbed is hauling both the bulldozer and the grain tower(?)behind it!


I'm thinking it's about time I started to make a move towards heading to bed. It's been a busy few days around here and I need my beauty sleep. But first, wine. :)
I am just getting ready for work.. should I wear make up or not.. hrm.. Yeah I dont wear makeup that often but why not.

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