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We checked the valves and they are alright. Another strange thing is that the toilet down in the basement, the hot water comes out of that sink at full force.
Very strange.

That's a very good indication there is some kind of restriction/blockage in the HW line to the other bathroom.
I'm waiting for the FedEx guy. And trying to wake-wake up. I may be out of bed, dressed, and fed, but I'm not used to this "morning" stuff. 9:00 AM is not a humane time of day, IMO. I much prefer getting up when there are two digits to the left of the colon. *yawn*

I think I'll go make the Christmas chocolates while I wait. I'd better not scorch the chocolate in the microwave! :LOL:
Good luck with the plumbing issues, JoAnn.

The FedEx guy has come and gone - the parcel needed a signature. But no nap. No chocolates made. Instead, I've been spending my time looking for a new health care provider after my nurse practitioner was "no longer with this office". :ermm: That was all of the information the receptionist was able to provide when I tried to change my scheduled appointment. It seems I got my call into them before they had started to call patients to advise them - the receptionist said "we just found this out ourselves today" when I called in. Heck, I really liked her...:(
OK...So I suppose planning to move Jan 3rd, packing, selling stuff. making a dozen arrangements, etc., isn't enough to do...


Both of our laptops were hacked... Into the shop for 3+ days... All better now but, I missed too many DC postings and will just start fresh from today.

Have I mentioned that 'life changes' are a pain @ my age?? :ohmy:

Good luck with the plumbing issues, JoAnn.

The FedEx guy has come and gone - the parcel needed a signature. But no nap. No chocolates made. Instead, I've been spending my time looking for a new health care provider after my nurse practitioner was "no longer with this office". :ermm: That was all of the information the receptionist was able to provide when I tried to change my scheduled appointment. It seems I got my call into them before they had started to call patients to advise them - the receptionist said "we just found this out ourselves today" when I called in. Heck, I really liked her...:(
I sympathize, CG. It's not always easy to find a good health care provider you like.
Speaking of health care providers, today I saw my GP for a 90 minute appointment. His office requested seeing me, instead of the other way around. I've seen so many specialists lately, he wanted to go over all the findings to thoroughly explain everything, and he sure did that well. Since we are all "terminal", the good news is there's no particular prediction of me kicking the bucket anytime soon.
To think I started out not being very impressed with him, I've sure changed my mind.
I hope you are as lucky as I was with getting a new Dr. CG.
Going to bed???

It's just coming up on midnight-thirty - basically "early evening" for our normal schedules. However, I cannot stop yawning! This getting up before 9:30 AM is for working people. Meanwhile, goodnight everyone! Sweet dreams.
CG, I'm no morning glory either, unless I have to be....:LOL:

Well, here it is a little after 9PM - I have to be up at 5AM tomorrow...coffeed up, showered, dressed, and out the door by 7 for Christmas breakfast at my daughter's....she's got a big breakfast planned...packages for them are all loaded up in the car, and I'll be headed out at a minute or two before 7AM for the whole one mile drive to her house. LOL
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So...this happened today:


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BTW, that's 2 1/2 pounds of chocolate melting wafers combined with "mix-ins". Each chocolate piece includes either a dried apricot, potato chip, vanilla wafer, walnuts, peanuts, raisins, or shredded coconut. At least five pounds of candy! At $20 a pound, you're looking at $100 of candy.

...and about seven hours on my feet, walking back and forth from microwave to table to sink to...:wacko:
I'm tending the smoker tonight/morning. Is sitting on the the couch drinking Makers and Coke considered tending the smoker?

Whatever it is considered, that's what I'm up to tonight.
Ready to put the roast in the oven and wondering if my daughters will make it. Heavy snow and poor visibility. One is 30 minutes away and the other is an hour away. Want them here but want them safe.

Prettiest Christmas morning in many years.

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