What have you had for breakfast lately?

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Picked up a loaf of cinnamon, raisin & walnut bread at breadsmith. I had a couple pieces toasted this morning with a light spread of peanut butter & honey on it with coffee.
For brunch and the freezer (35% whole wheat, 10% durum, 55% common bread flour)-


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That bread looks fantastic!

Dh got up early & made an egg bake for us & the neighbors before the rummage sale got going.
That is a matter of opinion. In other countries, people eat sandwiches for breakfast, soup, etc. I think in NA we have been brainwashed to think of certain foods being suitable only at certain times of the day. During peach season, my favorite breakfast is a slice of peach cream pie. http://www.discusscooking.com/forums/f40/flora-bs-peach-cream-pie-tnt-100-years-72777.html
'Other countries' covers a lot of territory. The shrinking majority of US residents came from countries that normally ate either an English or a Continental breakfast.
That bread looks fantastic!

Dh got up early & made an egg bake for us & the neighbors before the rummage sale got going.
Thanks. I rechecked my flour proportions and it turned out the bread was 20% whole wheat and 5% durum. All of the whole wheat and durum was in the biga which constituted 25% of the finished bread dough.
The doughs for both loaves started out weighing 14 ounces.
After baking the loaf for freezing weighed 13.5 ounces and the loaf for breakfast weighed 12 ounces. The baking times were 25 and 35 minutes respectively.
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Two poached eggs, steamed swiss chard, cracked wheat with coconut oil instead of butter, a sliced tomato, glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice.
Today I made sort of a roasted hash. I chopped up some red and green bell peppers, onions, potatoes and Spam, sprinkled them with Penzey's Mural of Flavor seasoning, evoo, S&P, and roasted them at 450* for about 20 minutes, stirring once. Served with grapes and diced cantaloupe.
Since I'm trying to eat more of my calories in the a.m. than evening, today's breakfast was once again 2 poached eggs, the leftover cracked wheat, and a tossed salad with tomato, beet, garden lettuce, EVOO and fresh lemon juice. Beverage, 6 oz. of 2% milk.
Since I'm trying to eat more of my calories in the a.m. than evening, today's breakfast was once again 2 poached eggs, the leftover cracked wheat, and a tossed salad with tomato, beet, garden lettuce, EVOO and fresh lemon juice. Beverage, 6 oz. of 2% milk.
Supposedly, the body wakes up HUNGRY and if you feed it protein, fat, and carbs in the a.m. (a hearty breakfast), you will be less hungry throughout the day. Some studies showed you'd eat 250 cal less/day if you loaded up in the a.m. instead of the p.m. I'm testing this for 30 days. If true, I should be wearing my "one size smaller/skinny" jeans by the end of July. If not, those jeans go back in the donation box to send off to the Goodwill. Day 2 and all I've wanted 2 evenings in a row is a salad and I've been full. Mind you, it is also beastly hot here.
Supposedly, the body wakes up HUNGRY and if you feed it protein, fat, and carbs in the a.m. (a hearty breakfast), you will be less hungry throughout the day. Some studies showed you'd eat 250 cal less/day if you loaded up in the a.m. instead of the p.m. I'm testing this for 30 days. If true, I should be wearing my "one size smaller/skinny" jeans by the end of July. If not, those jeans go back in the donation box to send off to the Goodwill. Day 2 and all I've wanted 2 evenings in a row is a salad and I've been full. Mind you, it is also beastly hot here.

Shrek has been eating three meals a day (he's scared to have the same problem again) since he got to the facility. He is now 6 pounds lower than he was before he got sick AND he's not hungry. I know I'm gaining out of stress and anxiety.
Shrek has been eating three meals a day (he's scared to have the same problem again) since he got to the facility. He is now 6 pounds lower than he was before he got sick AND he's not hungry. I know I'm gaining out of stress and anxiety.
I used to skip breakfast--had too much to do, wasn't hungry. Now I make sure I eat breakfast, have something for lunch, and something in the evening. Being alone more days than not, I tend to go with something light in the evening or leftovers from my weekend cooking blitz. I have to say, by loading up in the morning, I haven't been hungry at 4:00 p.m. (the time when I'm often hungry--especially if I didn't eat a balanced lunch). Basically, what I've done is add the carbs. I don't eat toast with my eggs, but am enjoying the addition of grain with breakfast. FWIW, I am within the accepted range of weight for height.
This morning I'm having 2 poached eggs, brown rice, steamed kale, and strawberries with balsamic vinegar. I'm just waiting for the rice to finish cooking. I've made enough to stir fry some with fresh pea pods from the garden, swiss chard from the garden, and whatever else I fancy before I leave for the airport. Lunch will probably be more strawberries and some cottage cheese.
This morning I'm having 2 poached eggs, brown rice, steamed kale, and strawberries with balsamic vinegar. I'm just waiting for the rice to finish cooking. I've made enough to stir fry some with fresh pea pods from the garden, swiss chard from the garden, and whatever else I fancy before I leave for the airport. Lunch will probably be more strawberries and some cottage cheese.
I added some pea pods to the kale. And a small glass of milk. And that's how I loaded up for today.


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