What is the Significance of your Avatar?

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Admiral of the Texas Navy
Moderator Emeritus
Jul 26, 2010
Republic of Texas
Why did you pick your Avatar and what is it? Does it have any special meaning to you?

Mine is the character Gus from "Lonesome Dove" as played by Robert Duvall. My favorite cowboy philosopher.

Early in the movie the camera focuses on this sign and a discussion between the two main characters ensues.


Woodrow Call: ...and if that ain't bad enough you got all them Greek words on there, too.

Gus McCrae: I told you, Woodrow, a long time ago it ain't Greek, it's Latin.

Woodrow Call: Well what does it say in Latin? For all you know it invites people to rob us.

Gus McCrae: Well the first man comes along that can read Latin is welcome to rob us, far as I'm concerned. I'd like a chance t' shoot at a educated man once in my life.

The movie never tells us what the "motto" means but does a fine job of demonstrating by word and action the deeper meaning. It translates to:

"uva uvam vivendo varia fit".... "A grape is changed by living with other grapes," or, since we are not really concerned with grapes after all, We are changed by the lives around us.

I don't rent pigs either!

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Why did you pick your Avatar and what is it? Does it have any special meaning to you?

Mine is the character Gus from "Lonesome Dove" as played by Robert Duvall. My favorite cowboy philosopher.

Early in the movie the camera focuses on this sign and a discussion between the two main characters ensues.


Woodrow Call: ...and if that ain't bad enough you got all them Greek words on there, too.

Gus McCrae: I told you, Woodrow, a long time ago it ain't Greek, it's Latin.

Woodrow Call: Well what does it say in Latin? For all you know it invites people to rob us.

Gus McCrae: Well the first man comes along that can read Latin is welcome to rob us, far as I'm concerned. I'd like a chance t' shoot at a educated man once in my life.

The movie never tells us what the "motto" means but does a fine job of demonstrating by word and action the deeper meaning. It translates to:

"uva uvam vivendo varia fit".... "A grape is changed by living with other grapes," or, since we are not really concerned with grapes after all, We are changed by the lives around us.

I don't rent pigs either!

I love and collect angels. If possible I'll try to get a picture of my Christmas Tree whick is covered with angels and everything else in silver and gold.
Mine is of our dog that adoped me. We have four total and I say we adpoted 3 and were adopted by the fourth.
I love cats! They have attitude, style and they are easy-going, cuddly and cute. However, when backed into a corner, even the smallest of them with their eyes still shut will push back with a hiss. As I get older, I also appreciate simple things like playing, good food, nature, and kind people, and I feel that my neko-girl avatar picture captures that. She really can be "A little bit Ginger. A little bit Mary Ann."


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I love cats! They have attitude, style and they are easy-going, cuddly and cute. However, when backed into a corner, even the smallest of them with their eyes still shut will push back with a hiss. As I get older, I also appreciate simple things like playing, good food, nature, and kind people, and I feel that my neko-girl avatar picture captures that. She really can be "A little bit Ginger. A little bit Mary Ann."



I'm glad you posted the larger picture Kathleen!! She's really cute, and I couldn't make out the details before.

Heeeeeeeeeere's TRIXIE!!


Mine is of my beloved kitty, Ashley. His mother was a beautiful grey tabby and her name was Sugar Mommy. Her disposition was nothing short of perfect and sweet. She was the best mommy kitty ever.

As for Ashley's daddy, we have no clue. Absentee father, but it is clear he had to be Siamese. Ashely has all the markings (mask, paws, tail) that a Siamese cat has and he also has the most beautiful robin's egg blue eyes.

He's been my buddy and best friend for close to 15 years and I wouldn't trade him for the world.
oh, katie, thanks 4 (inadverant or not) my :) 4 this evening. that 'absentee father' line got me snickering so.

i'd take that kitty-cat's may-well-be baby daddy onto maury povich!
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Mine is a pic of me, eating spaghetti. Of course that picture is about 47 years old, I don't look anything like that now. But I still eat the same messy way! Many of my early pics show me eating, nothing much has changed.
Mine is a photo of me and my friends Andy and Laura moments before we participated in the (then) worlds largest nude photo. I altered the photo, not because of the content, but because I was having fun with photoshop one one. I really like how this one came out.
Well, I'll be, GB, ...who knew :ohmy:. We're going to have to keep an eye on you...no, wait, it's a tough job but I'll do it :LOL:

My avatar is me putting my feet up...I work fulltime so my avatar represents chilling out when I get online. Barefoot or sandles is how you'll find me most often when I'm not working.
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Mine is pretty simplistic. Most of the folks who've been around for a while know that I just love Spongebob. He's such a sweet naive little darling. And since this is a foodie forum well the Krabby Patty had to make an appearance!

Way back when...I had to be more dignified, I had a bunch of saskatoon berries as an avatar, buckytom rode my butt about that one for a looooong time.

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