What is your weather like right now?

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Guess I shouldn't have mentioned earthquakes - - - - - normally I don't feel them, we get so many little ones, BUT we had a dandy about 10 minutes ago that shook the house. No damage, but the epicenter must have been close.

that is so wild that that happened!! are you SURE you wouldn't rather
have 'Big Bertha'?? she's still out there, kickin it in my woodpile! :brows:

it is about 80, sunny and not humid at all. yet.
I think we will have to change the nickname of our state - We've had days of downpouring rain - over 12 inches and it is still pouring. Not the Sunshine state lately. There is one good thing about it - no forest fires.
I think we will have to change the nickname of our state - We've had days of downpouring rain - over 12 inches and it is still pouring. Not the Sunshine state lately. There is one good thing about it - no forest fires.

you guys are getting creamed by the same system that hit us
last Friday. it has apparently picked up strength since it was
through here - it didn't last but a day, but wow, did it rain.
Well, its above 0C, (35ish F) Not much though. Its snowing and the furnace just kicked in. Did I mention I was wearing shorts and a tank yesterday and got a bit of a sunburn too? Freaky weather.

Okay, Are we really living in side by side provinces or an alternate universe? Yesterday we had sun, rain, hail, sun, rain, wind. Today has started out so bright and sunny and has promises for more of the same!
It's sunny and about 91. Ethan and Olivia both played in the pool and enjoyed the sun today..
Couldn't have been more beautiful today. Clear, sunny and "just right" temp, about 80F. I'm on the front porch right now and enjoying a fantastic evening. The sun is getting lower and the shadows are getting longer. Buck used to call this the "magic hour."
Couldn't have been more beautiful today. Clear, sunny and "just right" temp, about 80F. I'm on the front porch right now and enjoying a fantastic evening. The sun is getting lower and the shadows are getting longer. Buck used to call this the "magic hour."
wanted to let you know I love Dewey what a cutie. I'd take him in a minute...
This is our 6th day of almost constant rain. Today it was more in fits and spurts, and suppose to be moving out a bit - We'll be glad to put the umbrellas away.
The usual:

Geez Scotch and Babetoo, that's rough for you :rolleyes: I hope you can hang in there, lol.

Well, this AM it was cloudy and warm, then sunny and warm, then it rained like we needed an ark and now it's cloudy and warm. The usual.
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