What is your weather like right now?

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Supposed to be sunny with cloudy periods today, high of 13 C. Time to do laundry and get it out on the line.....yipee?:(

Oh my! I laughed so hard I started a coughing fit. Thank you for the laugh.

I have two excuses - I'm ill and the clothesline isn't up yet.
Oh my! I laughed so hard I started a coughing fit. Thank you for the laugh.

I have two excuses - I'm ill and the clothesline isn't up yet.

I procrastinated enough so I only had to do one load. Between smoking ribs, yardwork and going to check out a house that burnt down in the village last night, I didn`t get much done.
84° F, with just enough breeze to keep me from having to turn on the A/C.

It started to get uncomfortably warm this morning, but it clouded over for a while, just keeping the temperature bearable. Now it's gorgeous.
Our weather was a little different today. Around 70 degrees F was the high. Two big thunderstorms tonight, and a tornado warning. It is now 58 degrees and nice and calm. :cool:
In SE South Dakota we are in a severe thunderstorm warning. Tornado warnings are predicted around us.
Rainey & cool all day in South Dakota. Overcast & 42F. Looking forward to some sunshine soon!
It has been rainy and cold. Today was overcast and cool. Tomorrow is supposed to hit 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Then the following day, more rain and cool.
It went up to 16C (61F) and then it rained. It's overcast now and 10C (50C) and it's 22h45 (10:45 PM). It's supposed to rain and go up to 16C again tomorrow. And I'm missing all this "warm" weather 'cause I'm still ill.
It went up to 16C (61F) and then it rained. It's overcast now and 10C (50C) and it's 22h45 (10:45 PM). It's supposed to rain and go up to 16C again tomorrow. And I'm missing all this "warm" weather 'cause I'm still ill.
Best wishes on feeling better soon.
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