What is your weather like right now?

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Here on the Pacific Coast of Mexico, we are in the middle of our rainy season. Warm (88F right now) and humidity to match. We've caught the edges of two hurricanes in the past few weeks, so we have had mucho mucho rain...perfect breeding conditions for LOTS of mosquitos! This is not the best time of year to visit (or live in) Mexico...but it will get better in another month or so.
Our weather is the same here, carolelaine. I don't mind the heat so much, but the humidity is awful. Makes me feel like wilted lettuce - not to mention what it does to my hair!
fairly decent not so hot, air is cooler, but for the last 4 days, it's best to not do much outside. The air is filled with smoke from fires here in California..Nasty dry weather..
Think fall is coming- this morning was 45' brrr when your not use to it yet - high today 63-65'- humidity a nice 59% ! Had to start the furnace this morning to take the chill off.
How cold did you get last night, Katie? They predicted 47 here, but it was 57 when Kim got up at 6:00 AM.
All my ferns, orchids and bromeliads are out on the back deck, but they are sheltered by the shade of giant oaks, and next to the house, giving them a lot of protection. I want to get everything cleaned up and re-potted, if necessary, before I get it all moved into the greenhouse.
By they, I have a white Cattleya with 5 blooms on it, and 5 more assorted orchids with buds, including a purple Cattleya that smells so sweet, it makes the bumble bees drunk.

Kim kept our vegetable garden alive through the heat and the drought, and now that we've gotten a couple of good rains, we have all sorts of sweet bell peppers and tomatoes coming on. Should also have a good bunch of basil for the freezer. If the killing frost holds off until mid-October, as it usually does, we'll have a nice harvest.
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Probably 55ish or so, Connie. They were predicting lower, but I don't think it ever got as low as they had predicted. I'm lovin' life right now. The air is crystal clear and the sky is just too, too blue. Love this kind of weather!!
It's been a beautiful couple of days here - highs in the low 80s, humidity around 60%, clear skies ... just gorgeous. I'm going to crew in a sailboat race Friday evening (DH is going kayaking in PA for the weekend with some friends) - can't wait. The weather is supposed to be just as nice.
After spending a week in Ibiza where it was a lovely 85F daily, I'm now back in England where it's 53F this morning! But at least the sun is out for a bit...
The last couple days have finally gotten below 90. It is still hot but not unbearable. The drought is so bad that everything is dying. Much of the grass in our yard literally crunches when I walk through it. We had a few sprinkles yesterday and they said possible showers for a couple days. None today though. As much as we need a good long rain, I hope it doesn't rain for a few days now. One of our windows was broken by a little rock this morning (pretty much had to be our neighbor's lawn mower), so I hope we don't get a hard rain (or even a light rain with a breeze toward that window) until we can get it replaced. I am looking forward to fall temperatures. I hate the heat and humidity we get here.

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