What is your weather like right now?

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This is getting to be like the winters that prompted this expression, "In Canada we have 9 months of winter and 3 months of rough sledding." :LOL:
This is getting to be like the winters that prompted this expression, "In Canada we have 9 months of winter and 3 months of rough sledding." :LOL:

Yeah, all you Canadians will be selling your canoes if this keeps up :LOL:
It's dropped 10 degrees in an hour, currently 37F, feels like 24F with the 20 mph winds. Burr! Have my sweater, needed a jacket.
We had a beautiful day today - a high of 74F and lots of sun :) Tomorrow we're expecting more sun but a bit cooler, and another beautiful day on Saturday. I've seen different forecasts for Sunday so I guess we'll see.
Sod's Law.

Beautiful sunny day with a breeze. Great drying weather. Washed a load of woollens, hung on the line in the garden to dry. Pottered off to make bread and tidy the sitting room. Sat down to post when I suddenly became aware of heavy rain. Rushed out to bring in washing. 15 minutes later it's a gloriously sunny afternoon again. Grr!
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It is about 45 F. Right now. Quite beautiful with sun shining.

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Sunny and +2°C (36°F), but with a real bite in the breeze.

I just checked the The Weather Network to see the temperature and was greeted with a page with a bright red border that says,
"Snowfall Warning
A total of 15 to 20 centimetres of snow is expected on Saturday." Aargh, flail. Go away winter.
What does this mean? Is canoeing big in Canada? I just wondered because my son's FIL makes canoes, and last year they all went on a canoeing trip to Canada.

It means Canadians have two ways they get around, dog sleds and canoes ;)
-3°C (27°F) and snowing. We have gotten the first ~12-13 cm (~5") of the predicted 15 cm.

It's supposedly Spring. Enough already.

Took this out the back door.


I'm just glad it didn't do that yesterday when I took Stirling to the clinic. Walking over ice that he could see was scary enough.
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That is beautiful TL. Pure driven snow. Not black with car soot or yellow. Of course ours has all melted and it is 50ºF. today. If I could bend over backwards, I would be kicking myself right out the door. What the heck am I doing in on a day like this? I should be out enjoying it. Oh now I remember why I am still in. The winds are rather high. Too high to take the scooter out. The street sand is blowing all over the place. :angel:
Today's weather and a picture of our daffodils. Back to rainy and chilly tomorrow!


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