What is your weather like right now?

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The weathermen warned us all week about the rain storms expected on Sunday, saying we should do our Fathers Day celebrating on Saturday. Not a drop of rain today. Lots of wind, and 87°F.
Warm in the 90s we should hit 100 this week, grateful for air conditioning

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Having a cold spell. :LOL: It's only 75F now and low of 62F tonight. I actually had to put on something else tonight other than my knee length tank top. lol

On a more serious note...we'd give anything for some rain here now...there is a nasty fire going on up in the Sierras. Thousands of acres are burning. :(
Oh no. Hope you get some rain soon, Cheryl!

Hot here, got up to 92°F, and cloudy. A brief thunderstorm. I shut the windows and turned on the A/C. We're supposed to get more rain later.
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I'm guessing tonight will be our last open-window night for a couple of days. It's supposed to climb into the mid and upper 80s and get humid through Thursday morning. This lady gets crabby when it goes over 75, so Himself is grateful for our central A/C. :LOL: I'm just hoping our unit hums along happily. After putting out $$$ for the new water tank I'm not in the mood to fix the A/C.
It's 43F and gloomy, I had the windows open overnight so a bit chilly in here. Good thing I know how to get warm.

The fires in CA have been bad this year, I hoping it ends soon and very glad we are not looking at a bad fire season.

Gosh, I hope I didn't just jinx us...
Hot...Humid...storms coming in. Glad my air conditioning is working good!
That's moving in to central MA overnight. We'll be running the A/C for the first time tomorrow. Hope everything is fine with it and it doesn't pull a "hot water tank" on us. :ermm: If all else fails, we'll go old-school with open, screened windows and ceiling fans. Bleh.
It's like a gnat-filled sauna here. At least 90°F, and after the rain this morning, really humid. Going outside is actually painful with all the bugs.
Got 98 here today for a short time with a 103 heat index. A little too warm for me... Now if it rains the humidity will be awful.
Very nice today, now that the wind has quit blowing. :glare: 88F now, humidity at around 7%, and just a slight breeze. Still can't see the Sierras very well from the fire haze, but at least it's out.
Iffy all day, now it's thundering and pouring rain. DirecTV satelite's out, drat, I was watching Dr. Phil.
It's grumbling and rumbling again, the sky has darkened, and the temp has dropped from 88°F to 70°. Wet stuff starting to fall. Not a pool day.
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