What is your weather like right now?

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It's suppose to get to 10 degrees tomorrow!! I just want a little snow... I don't think that's too much to ask... We rarely get snow... If it's gonna be cold, a lil snow would be nice. ?

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Hope you don't mind, Cheryl :LOL:

The good thing about this weather is, since I don't have room in the deep freeze for the big turkey DH got from work, I don't need a freezer right now. Fareway kindly stored it for us until we got back from our trip, so now it gets to sit outside in a cooler. It should be fine since it's well below 0°F here, and will be for quite some time.
Sounds like a great alternative for a deep freeze, Dawg! Reminds me of back in the day when I lived in Montana and used to drink beer...we'd put the six packs out the front door in the snow, then have to remember to bring them in and put them in the fridge to warm them up before they froze. LOL :ermm::LOL:
13F...guess I better wear a coat today, maybe a hat.

Seriously, I empathize with you folks who are not used to these cold temps, just remember my empathy in the summer when all of you are basking in the heat and I am cursing the sun.
Coldest night in some time.

I got up this morning and SO announced our indoor/outdoor thermometer was on the fritz. It had jumped from 11º to 36º. As I got dressed and came downstairs, she announced the reading was now 50ºF and that it must be the battery.

I know when the battery dies, the signal from the outdoor unit to the indoor unit just stops so I was curious. I took a look at the indoor unit to see that the temperature wasn't 50º at all but rather it was 5.0ºF.

I suggested SO use her glasses more often.
And how did SO respond to that? ;)

It's 16F here. DH said when he went downstairs the thermostat said 59 in the house! Criminy! I'm not going out today. Might do some baking.
Chilly, but still warm enough (49 degrees F). A butterfly hatched on the back porch yesterday, when it was in the 60's. :wub:


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    Very New Gold Rim Jan 7 2015.JPG
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My youngest son tried to wear shorts to school today :wacko: I was like "woa, what are you thinking" and he replied "I have gym first period", I said "I don't care if you have sun tanning first period, go put pants on"...

I don't know what they are thinking sometimes... It was 15 this morning and he was going to wait for the bus in shorts... He did have a jacket gloves and a hut covering his ears, just basketball shorts and boots on???? I don't get it...
Cooking4to, a least he had boots instead of sandals. :LOL: I swear shorts and sandals with snow on the ground is a New England thing. Not saying Ohio people don't do stupid stuff in winter (we do, oh we do!), but Himself and I never saw anything so silly until we moved up here.

PF, just a sweater at 18 degrees? You're either very hardy...or very nuts. Nope, just nuts. :D
I agree with your diagnosis, CG. :LOL:

Another school delay today, wind chill -15°F, about 7° real temp here along the river.
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