What is your weather like right now?

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Mad Cook, I am not going to stomp through the tunnel looking for the light at the end. I want Spring now! So someone start stomping and turn on the light for Spring. Enough is enough. 23ºF. That is not Spring temperatures. :angel:
After a couple of lovey sunny and warm spring-like days with temps in parts of the UK in the middle 50s F, today is cold and miserable with fine drizzle and frost forecast for the next few nights.
OK all you cold people looking for Spring..come and visit me. :flowers:

It couldn't be more beautiful this morning with full sun, blue skies, no wind and 73 degrees. I've been on the porch reading this morning, looking out to green 2,000 ft. South Mountain with red tailed hawks making lazy circles in the sky.
Ducking and running....:-p
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Kayelle, I've been on my "porch" all afternoon, enjoying warm air and sunshine too! No red tailed hawks, though. Just birds and silly squirrels.

It's sunny and 76. INSIDE my sun room. :rolleyes: It's still sunny outside of it, but it's 33 degrees on the other side of the glass. Almost no breeze. Crystal-clear skies with nary a cloud to mar them. Kinda hard to be crabby about the temperature since I have absolutely no reason to go outside. I got enough fresh air when I opened the door up to toss peanuts to my friendly backyard nuthatches and a couple of scary-tame squirrels. I don't open the door if they are close to it so that they don't hop in and help themselves to the nut can. :LOL:

Since we can't do anything about the weather, may as well just roll with the punches by now. I just wish we could save some of this cold air so we don't have to go through long stretches of 80+ degree temps for weeks on end this summer. You know it's gonna happen. :glare:
Sounds beautiful on your sun porch CG. As long as the sun is shining, all's right with my world. I wish we had some squirrels for entertainment. Those hawks are beautiful to behold though. A while back I was reading out there on the porch and one of them landed on the porch rail, no more than 6 ft. from me. He sat there looking at a ceramic rabbit I had below in the garden, waiting for it to move I guess. It was amazing to be so up close and personal and I was careful not to move so he wouldn't notice me. I had to find a picture online for you to see how beautiful he was.
Overcast & off/on again rain all day. Low 30's. We need the moisture. Some sunshine would surely brighten a lot of moods around here today!
Sunny and a beautiful 78F in North Texas. It will all fall apart tomorrow with some severe thunderstorms tomorrow, though. We need the rain, so I'm not complaining. I should put out my rosemary pot to collect some free watering. ;)
Our temp today stayed in the high 30's. But there was no wind and the sun was shining in full brightness. :cool: I had to go to Winthrop today for blood work. I went downstairs early and sat outside for 45 minutes waiting for the van to come pick me up. I could actually feel the warmth of the sun on my face. It almost gave me hope that we were going to have a Spring. Maybe. I am not getting my hopes up yet. :angel:
OK all you cold people looking for Spring..come and visit me. :flowers:

It couldn't be more beautiful this morning with full sun, blue skies, no wind and 73 degrees. I've been on the porch reading this morning, looking out to green 2,000 ft. South Mountain with red tailed hawks making lazy circles in the sky.
Ducking and running....:-p
You do realise we are all making wax dolls in your image and sticking pins into them, don't you?
5.44pm Sydney Australia, it's 23c or 73f and nice and sunny lol. It's been pretty nice weather all day :)
Shall we get a doll in Rom's image also? He is in the middle of Fall. While we were breaking snowfall records, Rom was in the middle of summer. I am still angry over having to spend Jan. and Feb. in the house due to snow records.

Right now our temp outside is 52ºF. There is hope in this world. Time to get dressed, hop on my scooter and go somewhere. Anywhere! I don't care. I can go! :angel:
Rain today 37°F!

Snow tonight!

We have been lucky to have a slow snow melt this season, no flooding so far this year!

Ditto here. Fortunately for us, we have about four storm drains around the property. When the sun is shining, the six+ snow banks go down pretty fast. The storm drains will take care of the run off.

This building is right at the bottom of a hill. Run off can be a problem for those who live on the first floor in what used to be the basement of the building. They have had problems in the past with snow melting and the run off. :angel:
I hate to be redundant, but we had :wacko: more snow today. And yesterday, and the day before. Not enough to accumulate, but snow nonetheless. Oh joy! :angel:
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