What is your weather like right now?

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Now that everyone has a smart phone, why not more UFO shots recently?

Beside the point, I don't have a smart phone, not everyone wants one.

On the point, excellent point Caslon. So Why not more pictures of them?

Another thought, everyone with a smart phone is looking down.
We've had some stormy weather in North Texas the last few days. I've been lucky, just thunderstorms. They've had grapefruit size hail 50 miles West of me. That kind of hail puts holes in roofs and cars.

We had a tree blow down about an hour ago up the street from me -- actually, it split in half, so half of it is still standing. It was a Bradford Pear tree, that was planted before the city made them illegal to plant. Cheap trash tree.

Summer in North Texas.

It's already 80 and humid outside this AM - feels like 80 right now but I imagine that as the day gets warmer and/or more humid, feel like temp will go up and up.
It's 100F now at a little after 8PM, down from a high of 107F today. A high of 111F tomorrow, and 109F the next few days after that. Ugh.
I hope I'm not bothering you folks with the knowledge of my weather. Cool, sometimes muggy. I make sure I am wearing socks and have a jacket...I LOVE it. 62F

I have to go mow the yard because of all the rain.
Oh, the summer night
Has a smile of light,
And she sits on a sapphire throne
–Barry Cornwall (1787–1874)
So far (knock on wood) we've been having the most wonderful summer. Last 2 summers were really the pits. don't think we even had one last year.

At the moment we've got warm/hot days and cool sleepable nights.
It is 97F here right now at 5:10 pm. I am photographing two cars tomorrow in NC Texas... the forecast is 102F.

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