What is your weather like right now?

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It's only going to get to 47 today,but, IT'S RAINING!! It rained all night and it's gonna be here all day!! Whew!! Thank God!!
Yea, Texas!!!!! I'm so happy you're getting rain!!

We've had 2 mornings in a row of minus 20 degrees. I wish it would warm up a little.
Gray with on and off drizzles. Maybe 4-5 C. Nothing worth writing home about :LOL: Dina, can you please send me some of the gorgeous Texas weather?
Yikes! At least 12 inches of new snow overnight...


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Hey Texasgirl! any job news?

its about 60 here and scattered showers! I am drinking a cup of coffee and watching a chick flick and enjoying a day off work! Sigh...
yipppeeeee.... I'd better go out and pick some weeds
before the rain starts again tomorrow.
The high only made it to the 40's and tonight down in the 20's AND a freeze may happen all the way to Miami - almost unheard of. I went to bed and took a nice warm nap after reading the paper - good way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
it's been in the mid 70's this past week, today when I had to be outside, overcast and cool...

The usual shade of lackluster grey sky, the occasional spit of rain and a mild wind. My guess would be about 5-6 degrees C.
I live in Fl. AND we are in a hard freeze warning for the next two nights with the highs getting just to 50...brrrrr! cold....
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