What is your weather like right now?

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I really can't complain, because that big band of ice storms that plowed through the midwest went just north of us. But it's been damp and chilly, and so darned dreary that I haven't seen any sunshine in days. They are promising us some tomorrow. Got my fingers crossed!
Yep, Connie. It's been gray and dreary here all week. More like early evening all day long. So far, we've received over 4 inches of rain. Not complaining because we really needed it. However, that's about to change because snow's predicted to begin tomorrow evening and continue into Saturday. We'll see what happens.

Actually, I'm ready for some snow. At least it will cover up all the black, wet "yuck" that's accumulated after the rain.
here in buffalo its snowing pretty hard. Went to bed last night with no snow... we now have about 4 inches and its still snowing. so yeah....a long trip to buffalo and around buffalo. Where does your daughter go?

DD goes to Buffalo State. A trip that normally takes 3 hours roud trip took us almost 5. saw numerous accidents,and spin outs. People driving way to fast for conditions. I'm hoping that it's not as bad an the 20th I have to get my DD boyfriend from the airport.
25F now, just got finished shoveling the driveway. We are expeting snow until noon tomorrow.
Meant to have thunderstorms on the weekend and so the Easterlies are blowing something chronic!! Keep on hearing things go klunk outside but I'm not wandering around in the windy dark in my nightclothes just to find a broken branch or two!! Happens every summer but it always takes a few days worth to adjust to it.
Sunny, 2 below zero.
Wind chill advisories north of here by Lake Superior. Supposed to feel like -40!
I hope that stays up there! DH is working up that way today, with any luck he won't bring it home!
Good morning. The sun has just come out, but it is -16C and the wind is really blowing so I would bet it it feels cold out there. I have challah raising, so it will keep the house warm this afternoon as it bakes.
it's 39 degrees here in Athens. For us that's pretty cold. Ther's also been heavy snow in northern Greece. It's going to be a rough winter.!!
Suppose to get our first big snow storm today and tomorrow. They are forecasting 6 - 12 inches total :ohmy:! It will be heading your way Middie !
Going to be nice to watch, glad its a weekend ! Staying in !
Texas "cold front" coming thru---rain to baptize it's arrival right now and then cooling down later from the 80's to the 40's--nowhere but Texas!!!! I arrive from the coldest capital in the world wearing a sweater and my son is picking me up in shorts and sandals. Glad to be home for the holidays!! :)
It's another day of protecting the plants for me. Raining now and will get a few points plus or minus freezing. Dragged my prized bougainvillea indoors, covered the hibiscus , firespike, and patchouli - yes that patchouli fragrance we all love or hate is derived from a plant. Camelias are in full bloom. They will be fine. Plumbago will have to fend for itself.
It is getting dark, light overcast, but we had sun all day. It was -30C (-22F) here this morning but very still so you wouldn't know you were cold until you froze. I was out in shirtsleeves feeding the poor little birds who need extra on days like this.
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