What is your weather like right now?

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It was 45 yesterday and sunny. 38 when I went to bed.
Now it is 13 and the rain that fell last night has made a beautiful shiny driveway.
My DH drives a truck, I really wish he hadn't left this morning, it makes me paranoid all day when we have "weather".
It's going to be sunny and in the upper 70's today in Austin.

Then the wind will pick up to 20-30mph with a cold front which will give us a low in the 30's tonight. Gotta love that continental climate.
Getting a thin layer of ice on the roads. We have very high winds blowing in a lot of snow for this afternoon. What the dickens is next?
Yay - a snow day! I wish we had some here! I called my mom on the 27th, it was her 70th birthday and she lives in Spokane WA. She said they had gotten 14.2 inches of snow so far, a record in many years. My girls and I were wishing we were there, we miss snow so much! It's just very cold here now. Enjoy your days!

Snow is waaaaaay over-rated !!!!!
Take ours please !!
Unseasonably warm here. 59F right now. We've had a high wind advisory since early this morning, then a tornado watch and a severe thunderstorm warning were issued about 11 a.m. They won't expire until 7 p.m. I just looked at the radar and we might have a little rockin' and rollin' later this afternoon. Once all this passes through, the temps are supposed to take a nosedive and we're told snow and ice will be on the menu for tonight.

Looks like our weather resembles a Chinese menu. We're getting something from every column!:LOL::ohmy:
Still a butt freezer here. Our high is a predicted -28C (-18.4F) and it was -35C (-31F) when I got up this morning. Its sunny but oh so cold you can hardly catch your breath. At least the wind has died down. I hate that blasted wind chill.
It's still gorgeous here after a beautiful weekend - 76 degrees right now. We've had a couple of cold spells and light freezes but it's been unusually warm for this time of year.
An hour ago it was sunny and 61 degrees. Since then we've had wind gusts of 57 mph, pea to nickle size hail, and the temp has dropped 20 degrees.

That's the way with southern Illinois...if you don't like the weather, just wait a minute, and it will change.

How is it down there in Kentucky, Katie?
Thanks for your concern, Connie. The storm line has passed through here. We have sustained only minor damage. It's hitting Paducah as I type this.
Katie's computer shut down during a brief power blackout so I'm posting for her. She'll be back soon.
That's good news, Buck. The news was showing some bad stuff down your way.
We had a tree blow down in the back woods, but I think it was dead anyway.
Now it's just howling like a banshee out there, and we're down to 29.
Connie, right now it's blowing like a son-of-a-gun. Gusts up to 70 mph. We've had a screen blow in on the sleeping porch off our bedroom and will probably lose the storm window off the second floor bathroom. Won't know what else until it's light again.

Our news reported that Benton, IL had a good bit of damage. At least the tree you lost was away from your house. That's a good thing.

Yep, the temp took a nosedive. It was almost 60F before the storm. Right now it's 37F. Quite a drop.

Glad you guys are okay.

Did you and Kim ever make your trip to Paducah a little while ago?
No, Katie. Kim hadn't been feeling well for a good while, and he just didn't want to make the drive.
He has since gone to the Dr, and has been diagnosed with early stages of COPD. He has quit smoking (he's done it twice before, once for two years, and almost three the next time), so I'm sure this one's for good. He's also taking a new drug (Spiriva) that is improving his breathing, and he is feeling much better.

As for the damage, I don't know much right now, except that one of the funeral homes lost it's front porch.
I sure am glad I don't have those 100 foot long plastic covered greenhouses out there anymore. The plastic is put on all in one big piece, and if the wind gets an edge worked loose, it'll get under the plastic and the whole top can go in minutes. This happened to a friend of mine.

By the way, it's down to 26 now.
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50 deg now (midnight), suppose to plunge to 20 as a high for tomorrow.

We're under a severe thunderstorm watch and a high wind advisory. Suppose to gust to the 60 mph + range , about 1 1/2 hours till the line of showers gets here.

So goes Ohio weather.
It has warmed up here a little. It was cool enough for a sweater during the day, but not cold. Right now (just after 12:30 a.m.) it is 56 degrees F. It is supposed to cool off again tomorrow night. It was a little weird a few minutes ago. It started raining, but not a slow starting rain. All of the sudden, out of nowhere, it was pouring and blasting against the house. It lasted all of 3 minutes and disappeared. We might get some more rain during the night, but that was a little strange!

Guess what?! The sun is shining! Like no-clouds-anywhere-in-the-sky shining! It's about 38F and it's sooooo beautiful!
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